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James Packer领衔向catchoftheday和scoopon投资八千万元

2011-5-24 10:57| 发布者: bulaohu | 查看: 1303| 原文链接

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- catchoftheday和scoopon拿到合计80m的投资,James Packer领衔的consortium将持股40%
- catchoftheday的grocery shopping 网站,,声称将对Woolie & Cole开战
- 声称从他们那里买东西的话grocery shopping bill会减半
- 这两家公司的创始人是兄弟两个,2006年从一个garage开始创业的

Retailing giants Coles and Woolworths face increased competition from online upstart CatchOfTheDay, which plans to tap an $80 million injection from a group of investors including James Packer to expand into groceries.
CatchOfTheDay company co-founder Gabby Leibovich boasts his site will slice grocery bills in half, with the site having a limited roll-out today.
“We’re getting into the grocery space,’’ said Mr Leibovich. ‘‘We’re going head-to-head against Coles and Woolworths. Everyone buys groceries, and we can clearly show that you can save 50 per cent of your bill with us.”
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The new site comes after billionaire James Packer’s Consolidated Press Holdings, along with New York-based Tiger Global Management, and two other partners invested a total of $80 million into the daily bargain shopping site and group buying site
Mr Leibovich said the concept of shipping non-perishable groceries such as biscuits and cleaning goods from a Melbourne warehouse had already been tested for 10 months on CatchOfTheDay.
A spokeswoman for Woolworths said the grocer welcomed the competition, while Wesfarmers' Coles acknowledged CatchOfTheDay’s move as part of a trend of online-only grocery retailers entering the market.
“We find that our Coles online customers value our service for its overall range, value and convenience and the fact they can shop from a full 20,000 item grocery list,” said a Coles spokesman.
Both Coles and Woolworth’s are experimenting with more extensive online shopping services, with a plan by Coles to distribute goods bought online via Shell petrol stations recently revealed.
‘‘Today is a major turning point for our business and hopefully for the whole e-commerce space in this country,” Mr Leibovich said.
“Our snowball is just going to keep on growing,” he said, adding that consumer caution at traditional shops had been a boon for companies like CatchOfTheDay.
40% stake
Under the terms of the latest transaction, the group of investors will take a 40 per cent stake in CatchOfTheDay and Scoopon, valuing the businesses at a total of $200 million, a statement by CatchOfTheDay said.
In addition to Tiger and Consolidated Press Holdings, Seek co-founder Andrew Bassat and founder of Gannet Capital, Glenn Poswell will also participate in the investment, which may signal a maturing of the fast-growing e-commerce business in Australia.
The two websites claim to lure 150,000 daily visitors and employ more than 120 staff in Melbourne as they extend five years of rapid growth.
CatchOfTheDay claims to be the No. 1 online retailer with in Australia while Scoopon holds the top position in increasingly the crowded group-buying sector.
"We are excited to align ourselves with the market leader in the online daily deals sector in Australia,’’ said Mr Packer in a statement.
'Best thing'
Gabby and brother Hezi Leibovich began their businesses in 2006 from a garage. In the past year, the combined CatchOfTheDay and Scoopon has grown to average about $4 million in revenue a week, they say.
“The so-called recession (in retail) is probably the best thing that ever happened to us,” said Gabby. “More and more people realise that in order to find the best bargain you have to look online.”
In addition to the non-perishable grocery sector, the e-commerce group plans to use the new investment funds to expand into online fashion and more localised deal offerings for Scoopon and mobile phone sales.
Media firms muscle in
The growth in online sales has attracted new entrants in recent months, with News Ltd planning to launch a consumer review site allowing customers to share reviews of products on line.  
Fairfax Media, publisher of this website, operates New Zealand-based auctions and classifieds site Trade Me and is considering a host of functions for its Australian news sites that will allow users to purchase items from partners online.
Ellerston Capital, a separate company owned by Consolidated Press Holdings, last month took a “minority cornerstone” investment in rival online retailer
Under the terms of the deal announced today, the brothers will retain a controlling stake and be joined on the board by Lee Fixel from Tiger Global and Jason Lenga from Seek.
Mr Packer said: "Unlike many other players in the market, the team’s proven experience in building profitable e-commerce businesses, means they have the skills, supplier networks and economies of scale to keep growing and leading the market.’’
Peter Esho, chief market analyst at City Index, said the growth of the combination of daily deals and grocery sales represents an interesting new development for both sectors.

“It’s an interesting move,” he said. “It’s one that’s expanding (CatchOfTheDay’s reach) but they’re always going to be insignificant in terms of volume compared to the big guys.”

“The real opportunities are there for the big guys like Woolies and Coles to use these (daily deal) strategies to get people into their stores.”

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