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2011-5-23 13:01| 发布者: fzha8447 | 查看: 6008| 原文链接

上个星期六参加了一个讲座,"MUSIC - Essential to the Development of Young Brains".
遗憾的是,澳洲居然70%的public primary school没有properly trained音乐老师。政府无论在政策,人力资源还是基金上的补助都相当缺乏和不重视。

音乐课程对孩子各方面的建立都至关重要,她可以提高自然科学, 数学,和阅读能力,提高学生高考成绩,以及IQ。音乐教育在不同层面培养孩子追求卓越的品格,快速思维能力,团队合作精神以及自控能力。她奠定了培养孩子的鉴赏能力,增加社会活动能力,等等。


“Piano instruction was proven to improve abstract reasoning skills and special-temporal ability in young children.”


---- Shaw/Raucher Report from Neurological Research, February 28, 1997. Frances Rauscher, Ph.D, Gordon Shaw, Ph.D, University of California, Irvine. As referenced in “Discover the Power of Music Education,” Yamaha Advocacy Report, 2002, pg. 1.

“An enriched, sequential, skill building music program” improves reading and math scores in elementary aged children. Children who were behind the group average caught up in reading and pulled ahead in math. ”


--- Reported in Nature, May 23, 1996.  Gardner, Fox, Jeffery and Knowles. As referenced in “Discover the Power of Music Education,” Yamaha Advocacy Report, 2002, pg. 1.

“Music and music education majors had higher reading scores than any other major on campus at a medium-sized university, including English, chemistry, biology and Mathematics”


-- Peter H. Wood, “The Comparative Academic Abilities of Students in Education and in Other Areas of a
Multi-focus University,” ERIC Document Number ED327480.

“Both right and left brain functions are activated when learning to play music.”


--- Dee Dickinson, “Music and the Mind,” New Horizons for Learning, 1993.

“Math SAT scores improve by 41 points, and verbal scores improved by 57 points for students who benefit from a music education.”


Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers 2001, The College Board

“Studying the arts for extended periods of time (four years or more) improved total SAT scores by 119 points (68 for verbal and 51 on math). ”

“学习艺术4年以上的学生, SAT总分提高了119分(阅读68分,数学51分)。”

---- Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers 2001, The College Board.

Piano or vocal instruction improved IQ scores of six year old children over peers



Music Education  Promotes a habit of excellence: Students who learn to play music experience the intrinsic value of excellence. One bad note can ruin a performance. These lessons translate to other academic areas and life skills—employers seek out individuals who can demonstrate proven abilities and commitment to quality work.


---- Dynamic Presentations Unlimited Research; Band Director Focus Groups, December 2001. As referenced in“Discover the Power of Music Education,” Yamaha Advocacy Report, 2002, pg. 2.

Music Education Develops a quick mind: when playing a composition, thoughts must be quickly turned into action. Music researcher Frances Rauscher, Ph.D. says, “The combination of constant vigilance and   coupled with ever-changing physical responses is an educational experience of unique value.”

音乐教育提高儿童快速思维的能力:弹奏任何曲子,思维必须马上转换成相应的动作机能。专门从事音乐研究的 Frances Rauscher博士指出:“高度的警觉性和提前思维能力相结合所产生的不断变化的肌肉能动回应,是音乐教育创造出的独一无二的价值。”

---- University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; NAMM 1997 publication: “Making Music Makes You Smarter.”

“ Music Education Promotes cooperation and teamwork: an orchestra depends on every musician to work together in a performance. ”


“Music Education develops discipline and reduces anti-social behavior. ”


--- “Music Linked to Reduced Criminality,” MuSICA Research Notes, Winter 2000.
