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Mozilla shames developers with list of slow performing Firefox add-ons

2011-4-6 15:15| 发布者: dalaohu | 查看: 1326| 原文链接

Mozilla 忍无可忍, 公布了最慢,最耗资源的一些Addons

Firebug! 哈哈高居第二啊!

We know how Mozilla must feel. It spends every waking hour tweaking and perfecting Firefox to eek out as much performance as possible, only to see it all ruined by lousy add-ons that weigh the browser down like a block of cement. It's apparently now had enough, however, and has gone as far as to publish a list that exposes the worst offenders. As of this writing, the two biggest drags on the browser by far are the FoxLingo translator / dictionary and Firebug developer tool add-on which, according to Mozilla, each make the browser 74 percent slower to start up. That list is just part of a broader crackdown on poor performing add-ons. Mozilla says it's also instituting automated performance testing of the top 100 add-ons in its gallery, and that it will begin reaching out to developers directly to get them to improve performance (and even provide them with some new tools to help out). Hit up the link below to see how some of your favorite add-ons stack up.
