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超级无敌Sydney和Melbourne大对比(2)----Tertiary Education

2005-3-18 17:57| 发布者: richstudio | 查看: 4126| 原文链接

Australian Tertiary Education (sorry, I'm unable to type chinese at this machine)

I have been both/either a student and a tutor at Unimelb, UNSW, and Usyd. I have felt and observed that comparing these universities in all the aspects, I believe the order would be:

(1)The University of Melbourne (unimelb)
(2)The University of New South Wales (unsw)
(3)The University of Sydney (usyd)

unimelb has the 2nd longest history in austrlia, it is the top one universities in victoria. the top courses at unimelb are: medicine and law. it has very good management comparing to the other universities. Be an alumni at unimelb, I regularly receive magzines and email newsletters. I always feel that the university has not forgotten me. :)

unsw is my 2nd mother university, but it is too "commercial". The university is focuing how to make money, rather than providing more services for students. the worst thing about unsw is that it has the smallest library i have even seen...

usyd...i have only taught at this university, in some aspects, it is very similar as unimelb. Be walking at usyd, i sometimes feel that I am being in the unimelb campus. the best thing about usyd is that it has the most european buildings...

To be continue....

[ Last edited by richstudio on 2005-3-18 at 06:30 PM ]
