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2011-1-3 09:45| 发布者: wdmznzd | 查看: 1255| 原文链接

Hotmail免费邮箱的使用者最近在论坛上不断投诉他们的信箱里的邮件无故丢失或被自动转移到已删除邮件中。Windows Live的技术人员已承认存在技术问题但还不能确认受影响的范围,

Hotmail users report missing emails
January 3, 2011 - 8:50AM

Some users of Microsoft's Hotmail service are starting off the new year scrambling to get back emails.

A chorus of frantic users have posted complaints on Microsoft's online forum saying that all of their messages have disappeared.

"Please help me get them back," wrote one user under the moniker 'Zacgore' in a post dated Saturday, US time. "All my kids' info and pictures are in there!"

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Others complain that the majority of the email in their inboxes was sent to their deleted mail folders instead. It is unclear from the posts how widespread the problem is. The free web-based email service is the world's most used with about 360 million users globally, according to comScore.

Windows Live support technicians have said in numerous threads that the Hotmail team is aware of the problem and working on a fix.

"At this point it appears to be a limited issue, and Microsoft is working with individual users who are impacted. We apologise for any inconvenience to our customers," Microsoft spokeswoman Catherine Brooker said in statement. She declined to disclose what caused the glitch.

Microsoft's forum contains 476 pages of complaints about lost and deleted emails that date back to early November.



[ 本帖最后由 wdmznzd 于 2011-1-3 10:48 编辑 ]
