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2010-11-15 09:47| 发布者: 稀饭 | 查看: 2096| 原文链接

每次选举, 都会制造一些假命题来迷惑选民. Stop the boat, 就是其中之一.
当时Tony 就把这个作为口号之一来争取保守派白人的欢心. 实际稍有常识的人都知道, 澳洲不可能在法律上(legally) stop the boat.
当年John是表面上多元文化口号喊得响, 暗地里把船民放在离岸的岛屿上, 利用移民法的权力, 阻止了船民. 虽然有效, 但是绝对是暗地操作的两面派手法.
Stop the boat,绝对无法放在台面上来操作, 否则只能造成法律在人道上的倒退, 所以想要Stop the boat, 唯一的办法还是John的办法, 搞两面派手法.

把这个拿作竞选口号, 绝对是逞一时之快. 因为没有人能合法地Stop the boat.
最近的新闻, 高院沉没了总理的船民政策.
让我们再一次清醒地认识一下, 这一两难问题, 不是高喊口号就解决的, 甚至不是一个高尚的人能解决的, 意思是:没有高尚的解决办法. ... 20101111-17pe3.html
High Court sinks PM's boat policy

Michael Gordon and Yuko Narushima
November 12, 2010

AUSTRALIA'S decade-old regime of processing asylum seekers offshore has been thrown into doubt by the High Court, opening the way for thousands of people who arrive by boat to have their claims for refugee status tested by the courts.

The landmark decision will prevent the deportation of dozens of asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected under a two-stage process that the court found denied them procedural fairness or the protection of the rule of law.

The decision also raises serious doubts about the Gillard government's plan to send unauthorised boat arrivals to a detention centre in East Timor to have their claims for refugee status assessed.

The government yesterday vowed to press ahead with plans for a regional centre, but conceded that it would take weeks to work through the ''significant ramifications'' of the decision. It also warned that people could be spending longer in detention because processing could be ''elongated'' as a result of the decision.

While refugee advocates demanded the government abandon offshore processing, the opposition said the decision had ''sunk any remaining credibility Labor had on the issue of illegal boat arrivals''.

In the decision, the court ruled that two Sri Lankan boat arrivals were denied ''procedural fairness'' because their asylum claims were reviewed through a process unchecked by Australian law.

Australia's offshore detention regime was set up in 2001 to deny boat arrivals the right to apply for protection unless the Immigration Minister made an exception. It created a two-tier system, where those who flew into mainland airports were given the right to appeal to the courts but those who came by boat were subject to a so-called ''non-legal'' system.

The lawyer who led the challenge, David Manne, called yesterday's victory a triumph for the rule of law. ''It applies to every asylum seeker in Australia subject to the offshore processing regime and it means not a single one of those people should be forced from Australia until they have had their claims assessed through a new and lawful process,'' he said.

While Mr Manne urged the government to investigate past cases where asylum seekers had been deported under the discredited system, legal sources played down the prospects of action being launched where the people concerned were no longer in Australia.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard was non-committal about the implications, telling a press conference in Seoul the government would take legal advice and respond in due course.

The Refugee Council of Australia urged the government to resist the temptation to undermine the High Court's decision.

''The main impact of this decision is to put all people seeking asylum in Australia on an equal footing,'' chief executive Paul Power said.

Amnesty Australia's refugee co-ordinator, Graham Thom, said the government now had an opportunity to rectify a ''grave and long-standing error of judgment'' that blatantly discriminated against boat arrivals.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young promised to introduce a bill to repeal the excision policy and give boat arrivals access to judicial review.

The case upheld yesterday related to two asylum seekers, identified as plaintiffs M61 and M69. They arrived by boat in 2009 and reached Christmas Island on October 2. Notified of the outcome, the men, who are in the Villawood detention centre, said they were happy and grateful.

[ 本帖最后由 稀饭 于 2010-11-15 09:48 编辑 ]
