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HTC HD3 real price and spec - Disappointing?

2010-9-23 15:32| 发布者: dalaohu | 查看: 1544| 原文链接

HTC HD2 was a game changer and we all had high hope for the HTC HD3 ( or HTC HD7 as it was being rumored ) but according to the latest rumor that unveiled the specs and the real pics ( not a HD3 concept ), I was disappointed with the offering from HTC.
I admit that after HD2 my expectation was high for HD7 but with the specs reveled as

4.3-inch WVGA
1GHz processor
8GB of storage ( not yet known if an user expandable memory is available )
5 MP Camera with dual flash and HD video capture
Kickstand – around the camera surround
I felt it is mediocre at best, the screen size and camera sounds fine but 1GHz processor and 8GB storage ( which are the minimum requirement ) was hoping more from HD7 which I thought will be a super smart phone. I can make my peace with 8GB storage if we can add our own memory card but reports suggest that this is not likely. Now I kinda wish the HD3 is not the HD7 and the real HD7 will have some amazing specs. What do you guys think ?

There the one thing I liked about this new HD3 is that the volume buttons are on the right , which I think is easier to use with the thumb. If you are an HD2 user you already have the 4.3-inch WVGA screen, with a 1GHz processor and a 5 MP Camera the major difference is that you get WP7 instead of WM6.5 with extra storage and a kick stand , are you going to replace your HD2 with an HD3 ?
