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Andrew Wilkie要求两千万拨款给Tasmanian的伐木工业

2010-8-27 11:05| 发布者: marklan001 | 查看: 975| 原文链接

独立议员Andrew Wilkie向Julia和Tony要求两千万澳币拨款给Tasmanian受金融危机影响的伐木工业。

并要求在大选结果出来前就见到钱。 ... 20100827-13uo5.html

Wilkie sets out help for loggers as his first demand Andrew Darby
August 27, 2010 - 9:40AM

Help needed immediately for logging workers...Andrew Wilkie.

Independent Andrew Wilkie has laid down his first demand by seeking immediate caretaker help from both major party leaders for Tasmanian loggers badly hit by export downturns.

Labor and the Coalition each promised $20 million during the election campaign for the forest contractors whose small businesses are under strain.

Mr Wilkie said he would ask both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to fulfil their promise and release the funds immediately - before the election result is known.

"We are at a crisis point," Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association chief executive Ed Vincent said today.

"Many of our members are basically having to close their businesses, and bankruptcy is affecting some.  A lot are in grave danger of losing their family homes.

"This really does have to be dealt with while they're in caretaker mode."

With investments of around $2 million each in specialised logging machinery, the contractors have been caught by a decline in native forest woodchip exports as Japanese customers move to certified sustainable sources.

The contractors warn they may need up to $100 million in total aid to exit Tasmanian native forests if a peace deal between industry, unions and environmentalists is agreed.

Mr Wilkie is yet to formally claim his win in the seat of Denison, but he remains set to play a key role in a balance of power.

He will meet Ms Gillard in Melbourne tomorrow, and Mr Abbott in Canberra on Monday.

Later today, he will talk tactics with the South Australian independent Senator, Nick Xenophon in Hobart.

[ 本帖最后由 marklan001 于 2010-8-27 12:13 编辑 ]
