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2010-8-20 09:27| 发布者: bulaohu | 查看: 2825| 原文链接

有谁知道McAfee在硬件安全上有啥绝活,值得Intel花77亿的巨款? ... l-to-acquire-mcafee

Intel已经跟McAfee协议将支付77亿来购买McAfee 60%的股票。




Intel and McAfee have entered into a definitive acquisition agreement that will see the semiconductor giant pay around $US7.7 billion for the security company. The offer represents an approximate premium of 60% on McAfee's recent share price.

The deal has the unanimous approval of both boards, but is subject to shareholder approval and regulatory clearance. The existing McAfee management team has committed to staying with the company for "multiple years" and Intel has committed to the continuation of the McAfee brand and all of its products offerings.

The acquisition is part of Intel's response to the prospect of billions of Internet-connected devices. Intel and McAfee formed a strategic partnership 18 months ago.

With the rapid expansion of growth across a vast array of Internet-connected devices, more and more of the elements of our lives have moved online," said Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO. "In the past, energy-efficient performance and connectivity have defined computing requirements. Looking forward, security will join those as a third pillar of what people demand from all computing experiences."

The plan is that McAfee will operate as a stand-alone, wholly-owned subsidiary of Intel, benefiting from its parent's technology investments, market reach, brand, and global employee base.

What did other executives have to say about the proposed acquisition?

Hardware-enhanced security will lead to breakthroughs in effectively countering the increasingly sophisticated threats of today and tomorrow," said Renée James, Intel senior vice president, and general manager of the software and services group.

She described the acquisition as the next step in the company's software and services strategy, and McAfee as "the right security partner for us."

"Our current work together has impressive prospects, and we look forward to introducing a product from our strategic partnership next year," said Ms James.

As for McAfee, president and CEO Dave DeWalt said "We believe this acquisition will result in our ability to deliver a safer, more secure and trusted Internet-enabled device experience."

The acquisition could close as early as the end of the year.
