苹果在广告自称iphone4上用的玻璃壳与直升机和高速列车窗上用的材料相同。比塑料的要20倍stiffer,30倍harder。 然而monash一个IT学生的iphone4在买来第二天掉在地上,屏幕碎裂的一塌糊涂。 由于iphone4的玻璃罩面不在warranty里面,stev要花200块钱换一个新的。 该学生说,苹果公司在广告中宣称的超强,超耐磨的玻璃表面是"load of crap" 他说他多少有点遗憾没有给手机加套,但他绝对没有意料到损害会如此严重。 他说iphone4甚至还不如blackberry耐用, 他曾记无数次掉了blackberry在地上,但从来没有见过会这么快的碎裂 他觉得很多人会遭遇和他相同的问题。 苹果对此事件没有吭声 http://www.smh.com.au/digital-li ... 20100804-11cg9.html stev的手机 修理中心的其他iphone4们,都和旧型号有类似的碎裂样子 Apple compares it to a helicopter windshield but a Sydney iPhone repair shop has disputed the company's claims that the iPhone 4's glass is 30 times harder than plastic and less prone to breakage, after the first broken model came through his door. New owners will want to be careful as dropped phones are not covered under warranty and repair costs are significantly higher than for the iPhone 3GS. A 22-year-old Monash University IT student from Melbourne, Steven, who did not want his surname revealed, bought the iPhone 4 on Friday, the day it was released. But within hours, he had dropped it on concrete and smashed the screen after the 9.3mm thin device slipped out of his hands while he was carrying too many things. "I was pretty shattered - when I dropped it I just didn't want to use it anymore, went straight back to my BlackBerry," said Steven. Steven sent it inter-state to Alex McCredie, director of Fixpod in Sydney, after hearing it had a good reputation for repairs. McCredie, who estimates the phone will cost $199 to repair, said it was clear the iPhone 4 was just as, if not more fragile as the previous models. We received our first iPhone 4 screen repair request the day after it was released. It was not unexpected, given that the iPhone 4 does not have the protective chrome bezel around the screen that the earlier models have, and has glass on the front and back," McCredie said. He provided photos showing the damage on dropped iPhone 4 models follows a similar pattern to previous versions. McCredie said repairs of dropped phones were not covered by Apple under warranty and that the $199 repair cost was more expensive than the iPhone 3G and 3GS. A screen repair on those models was around $129. more expensive than for iPhone 3G and 3GS as the front glass and touch sensor are laminated to the LCD and cannot be replaced separately," he said. "This will make for a clearer screen however, as dust won't be able to get between the front glass and the LCD." On its website, Apple talks up the "aluminosilicate glass" used in the iPhone 4, which it says is the same type of glass used in the windshields of helicopters and high-speed trains. "Chemically strengthened to be 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic, the glass is ultradurable and more scratch resistant than ever," Apple says. Steven described this claim as a "load of crap". "I kind of regret not putting the cover on straight away but I didn't think it would shatter like that, I just thought it would be a small scratch," he said. "It's not even as durable as a BlackBerry - I drop the BlackBerry all the time but i've never seen something that's shattered this quick." "I think a lot of people are going to have problems." Apple did not respond to a request for comment. [ 本帖最后由 iami 于 2010-8-4 18:14 编辑 ] |