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2010-8-4 00:04| 发布者: 澳洲的云 | 查看: 1189| 原文链接

Representative democracy
Australia's system of government is based on representative or parliamentary democracy. This means that the Australian people elect representatives to make important decisions for them and govern on their behalf. These representatives form a parliament to make or change laws or require its residents to pay taxes.
Australia's federal parliament has two chambers, the House of Representatives (or lower house) and the Senate (or upper house). Under the system of responsible government, the party (or parties in a coalition) which usually has a majority of seats in the lower house, becomes the executive government. The leader of the party (or parties in a coalition) with the same majority of seats in the lower house also becomes the prime minister.
澳大利亚联邦议会由两院组成,即众议院(或下议院)(the House of Representatives)和参议院(或上议院)(the Senate )。在责任政府的体制中,通常在下议院占有多数席位的那一政党(或多党联盟)成为执政政府。那一在下议院拥有多数席位的政党(或多党联盟)的领导人则同时成为总理。
As parliament can't look after all the details which go into the day-to-day running of the country, the executive government runs the country by developing policy and enforcing laws. The executive government is made up of the prime minister and ministers chosen from elected members of parliament, of the same party or parties. These ministers become responsible for certain areas in running the country. The prime minister and his or her ministers are appointed by the Governor-General.
The executive government is accountable to the parliament, which in turn is accountable to the people.
Elections are held regularly for the Australian and state or territory parliaments. Voting is compulsory in Australia and all Australian citizens who are 18 years and older are required to vote. The democratic process is transparent and accountable and the right to vote and change governments is taken very seriously.
Government departments assist their minister in delivering government policy. They are staffed by a civil service of permanent officers who are expected to be neutral and serve the executive government of the day. This neutrality also applies in dealings with the public, without any special favour or treatment.
