工党已经请求前总理陆可文除在自己的选区之外支持工党的竞选活动,但是路可闻答复它需要时间考虑这一请求。 工党的战略分析家相信,前总理在昆斯兰是该党的资产,在该州联邦政府的支持率相当薄弱。上周的民意测验显示, 工党可能在陆克文家乡丢掉10个席位,如果工党在全国丢掉13个席位,那将面临下台。 http://www.smh.com.au/federal-el ... 20100729-10y4s.html Labor has asked the former prime minister, Kevin Rudd, to campaignfor the party outside his own seat, but he has asked for time toconsider the request. Labor strategists believe theformer prime minister is an asset for the party in Queensland, wherethe federal government is most vulnerable. The Herald/Nielsenpoll last week suggested Labor could lose up to 10 seats in Mr Rudd'shome state. If Labor loses 13 seats nationally it is out of power. [ 本帖最后由 bulaohu 于 2010-7-30 09:21 编辑 ] |