今晨在旧金山排起了让人难以置信的长队,经过漫长的等待,终于看到了Steven Jobs的iPhone 4和传说中的OS 4 iPhone 4用上了iPad使用的A4处理器,并且拥有4倍于现有iPhone的屏幕解析度(清晰度),将会成为一台强大的游戏机。 iPhone 4将会分为16 GB和32 GB两个版本,初装费分别为199和299美元。6月15日起即可预定。 This morning in sunny San Francisco, California I lined up ridiculously early for the Apple keynote outside of Moscone. After hours and hours of waiting, we finally filed in to the convention center and up to the massive meeting room to watch Steve Jobs take the stage and officially reveal the new iPhone. Dubbed the "iPhone 4", it comes packed with the same A4 processor found in the iPad, a new gyroscope sensor, a screen that is 4x the resolution of the existing iPhone, and plenty of other awesome features. From a gaming perspective, the additional horsepower provided by the A4 means much like the iPad, existing games will load up faster as well as have higher frame rates. New iPhone 4-enhanced games will look even better on the device, although I can't wait to see how developers tag these games as "HD" is already in use to signify an iPad game. The iPhone 4 will debut at $199 and $299 for 16GB or 32GB models, with the iPhone 3GS taking the iPhone 3G's current spot as the $99 "entry level" iPhone. Pre-orders for the new device will begin June 15th, and Apple plans on shipping out the new handsets on June 24th. Even bigger news is that the iPhone OS is not only officially dubbed "iOS 4", but it will also be available for free, even for iPod touch owners. (Although, unfortunately the first generation iPod touch won't be capable of running iOS4.) This should be a boon for developers, as they will no longer be pressured in to supporting ancient OS versions for the sake of compatibility if everyone can upgrade for free. We'll be taking an in-depth look at what all of these things mean for us at TouchArcade later today. In the meantime, take a look at the Apple site for the new iPhone and be sure to watch the video. 新闻原出处: http://toucharcade.com/2010/06/07/wwdc-2010-keynote-say-hello-to-iphone-4-and-ios-4/ [ 本帖最后由 doublezz 于 2010-6-8 11:24 编辑 ] |