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2010-5-11 18:12| 发布者: owner | 查看: 1069| 原文链接

MP hit with $10,000 iPhone bill May 10, 2010

Smartphone popularity is leading to hip-pocket pain with some users receiving huge bills from internet downloads.

The latest victim is a South Australian member of Parliament who was hit with a $10,000 bill on his taxpayer-funded phone after his son downloaded football games.

Upper house MP Russell Wortley, whose bills normally total about $200, was told the news on Friday.

"I was in shock, I only use my phone for mobile calls, so I knew there was a problem [with the bill]," Mr Wortley said.

His 13-year-old son had downloaded free games on his father's new iPhone without permission.

Mr Wortley did not understand that, while the smartphone had the capacity to download the applications, his phone plan did not.

It is not yet clear if the charges are from the actual download, or for the time his son spent playing the free games.

"I can't believe somebody would be charged $4000 for playing a game for one hour," he said. "It sounds mind-boggling.

"People should know that they, or their children, could be innocently downloading games which they think are free, but at the end of the day they end up costing thousands of dollars," he said.

Mr Wortley said he would pay the bill himself.

But his brush with "bill shock" comes with a plea for other smartphone users to check their plans.

He has even taken the complaint to Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, who said he would follow it up with the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA).

AMTA chief executive Chris Althaus said the industry group had contacted Senator Conroy's office after the publicity over the Mr Wortley's phone bill.

But Mr Althaus said there were basic steps consumers could take to avoid bill shock.

Pre-paid plans can help people who are starting out to determine how much data they are downloading without a surprise bill at the end of the month.

Data monitoring can provide alerts to those on plans when they are reaching the end of their data limits.

"We're very anxious that people get a sense of what their consumption might be because it's a new format, [there are] new applications and new ways of downloading content," he said.

"The mobile data scene is going to be incredibly valuable to consumers, the economy and all manner of sectors ... but we've all got to get a little educated along the way.

"It's in nobody's interest to have people in debt."

