其实不算新闻, 好象是29 4月通过APPLE的官方网发布的. 要点如下 * Apple and Adobe used to be close, but they grew apart and have only few join interests. * Apple wants to support open standards, and Flash isn’t one. * iDevice users aren’t really missing the full web because content providers are always more iDevice-friendly. * There is no mobile Flash out there for now and Flash has many security and reliability issues anyway. * It kills your battery life because it’s decoded on the software level. * Flash isn’t touch-friendly and belongs to the past. * Apple doesn’t want to be at the mercy of a third-party developing platform, which produces subpar apps anyway. * “Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind”. 看样子,STEVE JOBS是决心不妥协了. [ 本帖最后由 gifox 于 2010-5-7 19:29 编辑 ] |