SMH报道,NSW的精英中学包括那些最顶级的学校将加入教师抵制下周NAPLAN考试的行列。 这些精英中学有: James Ruse Sydney Girls Normanhurst Boys Girraween High Penrith High Smiths Hill High 另外参加抵制活动的NSW普通公立中学还有 Riverside Girls Northmead High Pennant Hills High Marsden High Merrylands High Kingsgrove North High James Ruse在HSC和NAPLAN从来就是全国的冠军学校,其校长Larissa Treskin说,她的教师员工将不会为下周举行的三天NAPLAN考试对学生做任何考试辅导和监考工作。她相信大部分家长能够理解为什么老师会这样做。她说:“我认为大部分家长不希望学校教学大纲变得只为NAPLAN考试而教学。” Sydney Girls High School的校长Andrea Connell说,她的学校支持抵制NAPLAN,因为NAPLAN考试成绩数据正被用作进行学校排名。 。。。 NSW Parents and Citizens Association的主席Diane Giblin说,家长协会反对抵制NAPLAN考试,特别是对于Year 3和Year 5的年幼学生,他们需要有自己的老师来做监考工作。 来自于Edgecliffe的家长Bill Morrison(他女儿在Sydney Girl High)说他反对抵制行动。他说:“我不知道所有这些混乱是为了什么,我认为家长们有足够的智慧来看待这些考试成绩数据。选择学校里有很多因素要考虑,看学校排名只是其中的一个方面而已。” Top schools join teacher ban on NAPLAN tests Anna Patty and Heath Gilmore May 5, 2010 - 3:00AM SELECTIVE high schools, including some of the state's top performers, will join other Sydney schools in supporting the teacher ban on NAPLAN tests next week. Those taking part in the ban include James Ruse, Sydney Girls, Normanhurst Boys, Girraween High, Penrith and Smiths Hill selective high schools. Riverside Girls, Northmead, Pennant Hills, Marsden, Merrylands and Kingsgrove North are among other high schools supporting the ban. Larissa Treskin, the principal of James Ruse Agricultural High School, which consistently tops the state in HSC and NAPLAN test results, said her teaching staff would not help prepare and supervise the NAPLAN tests from Tuesday to Thursday. Ms Treskin said she believed that most parents would understand why schools were refusing to administer the national literacy and numeracy tests. ''I think the majority of parents don't want the school curriculum to be narrowed to NAPLAN tests,'' she said. ''I think they understand the curriculum is about growth.'' The principal of Sydney Girls High School, Andrea Connell, said her school was also supporting the test ban in response to ''strong professional and widespread philosophical objections'' to the way that NAPLAN test data was being used to create league tables. Judy King, the principal of Riverside Girls High School, said staff at her school would not administer the NAPLAN tests next week but would be ''unfailingly polite'' to any external staff the Department of Education brought in to supervise the tests. The president of the NSW Parents and Citizens Association, Diane Giblin, said parents were opposed to the NAPLAN test ban. ''The test should go ahead and be administered by our teachers,'' she said. ''But there should be a discourse between teachers, principals, parents and the government about improvements that can be made to the My School website. ''We believe that children as young as year 3 and 5 would be more comfortable having their teachers supervise the tests,'' she said. Bill Morrison, from Edgecliffe, whose daughter attends Sydney Girls , said he opposed the ban. ''I don't know what all the fuss is about,'' he said. ''I think parents are smart enough to make up our own minds about what to make of the results. ''There are a lot of factors that come into choosing a school. It's more than just looking at [league table] lists.'' Another parent from the school said he could see the dispute from both sides, but would prefer that the tests went ahead. The Australian Education Union and its state affiliates, including the NSW Teachers Federation, have decided to ban the NAPLAN tests in protest against the use of test results to compare schools on the Federal Government's My School website. Newspapers have used the data to create school league tables. NSW has up to $1 billion in government funding tied to the national test data, which is used to guide how money is distributed to the most disadvantaged schools. A $94 million reward payment to states is also at stake if the tests are not conducted. Meanwhile, the director-general of Education, Michael Coutts-Trotter, has sent an memo to department staff saying that while teachers would face possible disciplinary action if they obstructed the administration of the NAPLAN tests, refusing to hand out NAPLAN tests was ''not such a circumstance''. ''Nor is a school principal refusing to co-operate to deliver NAPLAN. ''A disciplinary response may be required, but neither scenario is anywhere near serious enough to consider termination of employment,'' he said. This story was found at: ... -20100504-u75p.html |