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2010-3-9 20:35| 发布者: tigerszheng | 查看: 5283| 原文链接

1220.电锯惊魂6 Saw VI
1219.真人游戏 Gamer
1218.未来战警 Surrogates
1217.风声 The Message
1216.非常母亲 Mother
1215.大堀恵唯美写真 OHORI MEGUMI (完整蓝光菜单)
1214.周秀娜蓝光写真全记录 Eyescream Fiesta Chrissie Chau (完整蓝光菜单)
1213.杀人宝盒 The Box
1212.鬼魅 Janghwa Hongryeon
1211.K20-变相黑侠 K-20: Legend of the Mask
1210.纽约湾海峡 The Narrows
1209.阁楼 Loft
1208.复仇 Vengeance
1207.同门 Tung moon
1206.重见天日 Rescue Dawn
1205.甜心先生 Jerry Maguire
1204.老千 Tazza:The High Rollers
1203.扑克王 Poker King
1202.黄飞鸿之三:狮王争霸 Once Upon a Time in China 3
1201.黄飞鸿之二:男儿当自强 Once Upon a Time in China 2
1200.末日病毒 Carriers
1199.姐妹联谊会惊魂 Sorority Row
1198.偷袭珍珠港 Tora! Tora! Tora!
1197.压榨 Extract
1196.诺贝尔赎金 Nobel Son
1195.滚石风云 Stoned
1194.布拉格练习曲 Vratné lahve
1193.史坦顿岛 Staten Island
1192.脆弱的心 Paper Heart
1191.阴兽 Inju
1190.警察故事III超级警察 Police Story III
1189.亡灵召唤2 Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming
1188.高度怀疑 Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
1187.吸血女伯爵 Bathory
1186.圣天空战记 Escaflowne
1185.冰血暴 Fargo
1184.流氓 Pokkiri
1183.孩子 The Children
1182.如影随形 The Haunting of Molly Hartley
1181.神秘匹兹堡 The Mysteries of Pittsburgh
1180.王牌对王牌 The Negotiator
1179.迈克尔·杰克逊:就是这样 Michael Jackson's This is It
1178.建国大业 The Founding of a Republic
1177.豚鼠特工队 G-Force
1176.乱世佳人 Gone with the Wind
1175.悬崖上的金鱼姬 Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
1174.美食从天而降 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
1173.久石让 in 武道馆 Miyazaki Anime to Tomo ni Ayunda 25 Nenkan
1172.滑稽人物 Funny People
1171.香水:一个凶手的故事 Perfume The Story of a Murderer
1170.死亡笔记2最后的名字 Death Note the Last Name
1169.死亡笔记 Death Note
1168.落水狗 Reservoir Dogs
1167.搏击俱乐部 十周年纪念版 Fight Club: 10th Anniversary Edition
1166.杀人锦标赛 The Tournament
1165.海军陆战队员2 The Marine 2
1164.战国群雄 Taras Bulba
1163.红场特警 Red Heat
1162.傲慢与偏见 Pride & Prejudice
1161.穆赫兰道 Mulholland Dr
1160.寻找埃里克 Looking for Eric
1159.复仇的金子 Sympathy For Lady Vengeance
1158.12只猴子 12 Monkeys
1157.密码疑云 The Apocalypse Code
1156.爱在战火纷飞时 A Very Long Engagement
1155.毕业生 The Graduate
1154.惊世狂花 Bound
1153.后窗惊魂 Disturbia
1152.喜马拉雅 Himalaya
1151.微观世界 Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe
1150.一半海水一半火焰 Ocean Flame
1149.2013终极神差 The Postman
1148.疯狗 Freakdog
1147.飞行者 The Aviator
1146.拆弹部队 The Hurt Locker
1145.狙击职业杀手 The Jackal
1144.杀人房间 The Killing Room
1143.碧海蓝天 The Big Blue
1142.猜火车 Trainspotting
1141.变形金刚2中文花絮碟 Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Bonus Disc
1140.迁徙的鸟 Winged Migration
1139.一千零一夜 Arabian Nights
1138.无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds
1137.第九区 District 9
1136.死神来了4 The Final Destination
1135.机器人9号 Nine
1134.詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer's Body
1133.一次完美的逃亡 A Perfect Getaway
1132.宿醉 The Hangover
1131.和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer
1130.月球 Moon
1129.守望者 终极剪辑版 Watchmen Ultimate Cut
1128.穿越国境 Crossing Over
1127.朱莉与朱莉娅 Julie & Julia
1126.热血高校 Crows Zero
1125.热血高校2 Crows Zero 2
1124.哥斯拉 Godzilla
1123.小鬼当家2:纽约迷途记 Home Alone 2 Lost In New York
1122.回家 Homecoming
1121.倩女幽魂3 A Chinese Ghost Story III
1120.霜花店 A Frozen Flower
1119.美国处女 American Virgin
1118.艾丽卡 Elektra
1117.校花我爱你 I Love You, Beth Cooper
1116.王牌对决 Seraphim Falls
1115.斯坦·海尔辛 Stan Helsing
1114.沉默猎杀 Tell No One
1113.100英尺 100 feet
1112.意外 Accident
1111.布鲁诺 Bruno
1110.长恨歌 Everlasting Regret
1109.冰火神魔 Fire and Ice
1108.四个圣诞节 Four Christmases
1107.盗火线 Heat
1106.功夫厨神 Kung Fu Chefs
1105.产前阵痛 Labor Pains
1104.两杆大烟枪 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
1103.姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper
1102.情圣终结者 Spread
1101.星际之门 Stargate
1100.终极奇兵 The 13th Warrior
1099.精神导师之梦 The Answer Man
1098.蝴蝶效应3:启示 Butterfly Effect: Revelation
1097.控制的极限 The Limits of Control
1096.天使之心 Angel Heart
1095.夺命高校 The Faculty
1094.终结者2018 Terminator Salvation
1093.哈利·波特与混血王子 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
1092.飞屋环游记 Up
1091.变形金刚2:卷土重来IMAX版 Transformers Revenge of the Fallen IMAX Edition
1090.切肤之爱 Audition
1089.超时空接触 Contact
1088.佛莱迪大战杰森 Freddy Vs. Jason
1087.航班蛇患 Snakes on a Plane
1086.偷拐抢骗 Snatch
1085.布鲁姆兄弟 The Brothers Bloom
1084.德州电锯杀人狂 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
1083.小岛惊魂 The Others
1082.爱到底 L-O-V-E
1081.太空堡垒卡拉狄加 Battlestar Galactica: The Plan
1080.阿甘正传 Forrest Gump
1079.拳王阿里 Ali
1078.大盗石川五右卫门 Goemon
1077.决战猩球 Planet of the Apes (2001)
1076.死囚之舞 Monster's Ball
1075.南京!南京! City of Life and Death
1074.未来水世界 Waterworld
1073.20世纪少年:第二部 最后的希望 20th Century Boys Chapter Two The Last Hope
1072.为子搬迁 Away We Go
1071.最后的吸血鬼 Blood The Last Vampire
1070.恐怖蜡像馆 House of Wax
1069.孤儿 Orphan
1068.OSS 117:里约谍影 OSS 117: Lost In Rio
1067.完美陌生人 Perfect Stranger
1066.性、谎言和录像带 Sex, Lies, and Videotape
1065.好家伙、坏家伙、怪家伙 The Good The Bad The Weird
1064.丑陋的事实 The Ugly Truth
1063.Laughing Gor之变节 Turning Point
1062.致命弯道3 Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead
1061.特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起 G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
1060.骑劫地下铁 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3
1059.假结婚 The Proposal
1058.星际迷航2009 Star Trek
1057.公众之敌 Public Enemies
1056.惊声尖叫3 Scream 3
1055.惊声尖叫2 Scream 2
1054.惊声尖叫 Scream
1053.失落的大陆 Land of the Lost
1052.超市夜未眠 Cashback
1051.窃听风云 Overheard
1050.职业杀手 Contract Killers
1049.堕入地狱 Drag Me to Hell
1048.梅兰芳 Forever Enthralled
1047.幸运查克 Good Luck Chuck
1046.牛津杀手 The Oxford Murders
1045.绝命派对 Invitation Only
1044.机器侠 KungFu Cyborg Metallic Attraction
1043.追爱自由行 Management
1042.麦兜响当当 McDull Kung Fu Kindergarten
1041.黄飞鸿 Once Upon a Time in China
1040.少林足球 Shaolin Soccer
1039.泰若星球 Terra
1038.遗言 The Last Word
1037.众神与将军 Gods and Generals
1036.僵尸肖恩 Shaun of the Dead
1035.绿野仙踪 Wizard of Oz
1034.星际迷航8:第一次接触 Star Trek: First Contact
1033.星际迷航7:星空奇兵 Star Trek: Generations
1032.伤城 Confession of Pain
1031.星期五 Friday
1030.格蕾丝 Grace
1029.监视与报告 Observe and Report
1028.睡眠经销商 Sleep Dealer
1027.深海圆疑 Sphere
1026.应召女友 The Girlfriend Experience
1025.新世界 The New World
1024.大内密探灵灵狗 On His Majesty's Secret Service
1023.致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
1022 变形金刚2:卷土重来 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
1021 冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
1020 博物馆奇妙夜2 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
1019 天使与魔鬼 /达·芬奇密码前传 Angels & Demons
1018 大战外星人 Monsters vs Aliens
1017 彗星撞地球 Deep Impact
1016 地球电影版 Earth
1015 的士速递3 Taxi 3
1014 的士速递4 Taxi 4
1013 邻家女孩 The Girl Next Door
1012 拉贝日记 John Rabe
1011 终极刺客 XIII The Conspiracy
1010 爱呼2:爱情左右 Fit Lover
1009 极度重罪 High Crimes
1008 末日危城 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
1007 2009麦迪逊广场花园现场演唱会 Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood Live from Madison Square Garden 2009
1006 狼族盟约 Brotherhood of the Wolf
1005 猫女 Catwoman
1004 好多谢安琪“呐喊”演唱会2009 Kay Tse Yelling Concert 2009
1003 恶魔化身 Embodiment of Evil
1002 富兰克林 Franklyn
1001 前女友们的幽灵 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
1000 黑色豪门 Largo Winch
0999 国家要案 State of Play
0998 阳光清洗 Sunshine Cleaning
0997 地下拳击场 Fighting
0996 鬼计神偷 The Score
0995 一级戒备 The Sentinel
0994 恐龙 Dinosaur
0993 断背山 Brokeback Mountain
0992 意外之夫 The Accidental Husband
0991 通天塔 Babel
0990 美少女啦啦队:战斗到最后一刻 Bring It On: Fight to the Finish
0989 割喉岛 Cutthroat Island
0988 堂吉诃德外传 Donkey Xote
0987 醉拳II Drunken Master II
0986 无影无踪 Troubled Water
0985 肃静 Hush!
0984 乖乖女是大明星 Hannah Montana: The Movie
0983 热血警探 Hot Fuzz
0982 少年黄飞鸿之铁马骝 Iron Monkey
0981 硫磺岛来信 Letters from Iwo Jima
0980 舞梦成真 Make It Happen
0979 菲比梦游奇境 Phoebe in Wonderland
0978 两个情人 Two Lovers
0977 致命弯路2 Wrong Turn 2
0976 致命弯路 Wrong Turn
0975 冒险乐园 Adventureland
0974 危情十日 Misery
0973 警察故事 Jackie Chan's Police Story
0972 再生号 Written By
0971.怒火攻心2:高压电 Crank 2 High Voltage (DTS 5.1)
0970.金刚狼 X-Men Origins Wolverine (DTS 5.1)
0969.勇敢的心 Braveheart (DTS 5.1)
0968.角斗士蓝光加长版 Gladiator EXTENDED CUT (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0967.线人 The Informers (DTS 5.1)
0966.暴力街区13:终极 Banlieue 13 Ultimatum (DTS 5.1)
0965.暴力街区13 Banlieue 13 (DTS 5.1)
0964.间谍游戏 Spy Game (DTS 5.1)
0963.坚强的心 A Mighty Heart
0962.A片特攻队 The Moguls
0961.穿越苍穹 Across the Universe
0960.外星人入侵 Alien Trespass
0959.血溅13号警署 Assault on Precinct 13
0958.刀锋战士3:三位一体 Blade Trinity
0957.刀锋战士2 Blade II
0956.刀锋战士 Blade
0955.乱战 Chaos
0954.欧洲性旅行 Eurotrip
0953.精武英雄 Fist of Legend
0952.完美无瑕 Flawless
0951.十日拍拖手册 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
0950.金刚(1976) King Kong
0949.13朵玫瑰 13 Roses
0948.珍爱泉源 The Fountain
0947.伟大的巴克·霍华德 The Great Buck Howard
0946.魔屋 The Last House On The Left
0945.第九道门 The Ninth Gate
0944.越战忠魂 We Were Soldiers
0943.惊声尖笑4 Scary Movie 4 (DTS 5.1)
0942.爱的边缘 The Edge of Love (DTS 5.1)
0941.三角洲部队闹剧 Delta Farce (DTS 5.1)
0940.13 骇人游戏 13: Game of Death (DTS 5.1)
0939.美利坚颂歌 An American Carol (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0938.外星恋 Starman (DTS 5.1)
0937.蓝色霹雳 Blue Thunder (DTS 5.1)
0936.颤栗/高压电 Haute tension (DTS 5.1)
0935.我的堂兄文尼 My Cousin Vinny (DTS 5.1)
0934.义海雄风 A Few Good Men (DTS 5.1)
0933.北极传说 Arctic Tale (DTS 5.1)
0932.血腥巧克力 Blood and Chocolate (DTS 5.1)
0931.追凶 Brick (DTS 5.1)
0930.死亡日记 Diary of the Dead (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0929.狗男女 Go (DTS 5.1)
0928.盗梦侦探 Paprika (DTS 5.1)
0927.歼灭任务 Peregon (DTS 5.1)
0926.非礼勿视 See No Evil (DTS 5.1)
0925.海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (DTS 5.1)
0924.李小龙传奇 The Legend of Bruce Lee (Dolby Digital 5.1)(国语双碟版)
0923.留级之王 Van Wilder (DTS 5.1)
0922.华尔街 Wall Street (DTS 5.1)
0921.越狱特别篇:最后一越 Prison Break The Final Break (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1)
0920.七龙珠:进化 Dragonball Evolution (DTS 5.1)
0919.巫山历险记 Race to Witch Mountain (DTS 5.1)
0918.12回合 12 Rounds (DTS 5.1)
0917.绿灯侠:首次飞行 Green Lantern: First Flight (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0916.纠缠 Obsessed (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0915.重回十七岁 17 Again (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0914.杀戮时刻 A Time To Kill (DTS 5.1)
0913.日落之后 After the Sunset (DTS 5.1)
0912.尸骨无存 Cabin Fever (DTS 5.1)
0911.鬼妈妈 Coraline (DTS 5.1)
0910.私法行动 Dark Blue (DTS 5.1)
0909.口是心非 Duplicity (DTS 5.1)
0908.怒火风暴 Falling Down (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0907.死神来了2 Final Destination 2 (DTS 5.1)
0906.死神来了3 Final Destination 3 (DTS 5.1)
0905.一球成名3 Goal! III (DTS 5.1)
0904.网络杀机 Untraceable (DTS 5.1)
0903.超人2 Superman 2 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0902.超人 Superman (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0901.国家机密 Secret Defense (DTS 5.1)
0900.太平间闹鬼事件 The Haunting in Connecticut (DTS 5.1)
0899.月亮坪的秘密 The Secret of Moonacre (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0898.全面包围 The Siege (DTS 5.1)
0897.战争之法 The Way of War (DTS 5.1)
0896.布朗森 Bronson (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0895.夺命手机 Echelon Conspiracy (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0894.寻找伴郎 I Love You Man (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0893.蕾丝边吸血鬼杀手 Lesbian Vampire Killers (DTS 5.1)
0892.三月女郎 Miss March (DTS 5.1)
0891.独奏者 The Soloist (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0890.黑色地板 Dark Floors (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0889.忍者神龟 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0888.忍者神龟2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0887.忍者神龟3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0886.怒海争锋 Master and Commander (DTS 5.1)
0885.与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves (DTS 5.1)
0884.鬼已来电 One Missed Call (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0883.致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0882.致命武器 Lethal Weapon (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0881.人肉盛宴 Gnaw (DTS 5.1)
0880.卧虎藏龙 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (DTS 5.1)
0879.星球大战六:武士复仇 Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0878.星球大战五:帝国反击战 Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0877.星球大战四:新的希望 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0876.星球大战前传三:西斯的复仇 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0875.星球大战前传二:克隆人的进攻 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0874.星球大战前传一:魅影危机 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (Dolby Digital 5.1)(PAL制式)
0873.头号男孩 Boy A (DTS 5.1)
0872.声梦奇缘 August Rush (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0871.那些最伟大的比赛 The Greatest Game Ever Played (DTS 5.1)
0870.限时追捕 Out of Time (DTS 5.1)
0869.东京!Tokyo! (DTS 5.1)
0868.世界尽头的奇遇 Encounters at the End of the World (DTS 5.1)
0867.美版鬼影 Shutter (DTS 5.1)
0866.最后的空降兵 The Last Drop (DTS 5.1)
0865.恶童 Tekkon kinkreet (DTS 5.1)
0864.门徒 Protégé (DTS 5.1)
0863.仙境之桥 Bridge to Terabithia (DTS 5.1)
0862.守望者 导演剪辑版 Watchmen DC (DTS 5.1)
0861.速度与激情4 Fast & Furious (DTS 5.1)
0860.街头霸王:春丽传 Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0859.新宿事件 Shinjuku Incident
0858.东京名车展 Tokyo Motor Show (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0857.致命游戏 The Game (DTS 5.1)
0856.变形金刚大电影 The Transformers The Movie (Dolby Digital 2.0)
0855.入侵脑细胞2 The Cell 2 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0854.入侵脑细胞 The Cell (DTS 5.1)
0853.迷失东京 Lost in Translation (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0852.性事电影 Extreme Movie (DTS 5.1)
0851.疯狗强尼 Johnny Mad Dog (DTS 5.1)
0850.粉红豹2 Pink Panther 2 (DTS 5.1)
0849.头号公敌2 Mesrine: Part II - Public Enemy #1 (DTS 5.1)
0848.头号公敌:死亡本能 Mesrine: Part 1 - Death Instinct (DTS 5.1)
0847.海防最前线 The Guardian (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0846.寻宝假期 Without a Paddle (DTS 5.1)
0845.六月虫 Junebug (DTS 5.1)
0844.富贵吉娃娃 Beverly Hills Chihuahua (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0843.连锁反应 Chain Reaction (DTS 5.1)
0842.猫头鹰的哭泣 Cry of the Owl (DTS 5.1)
0841.水性杨花/放荡 Easy Virtue (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0840.啦啦队夏令营 Fired Up (DTS 5.1)
0839.13号星期五 Friday the 13th (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0838.晚安,好运 Good Night, and Good Luck (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0837.危险关系 Jackie Brown (DTS 5.1)
0836.安吉拉怀孕记 Baby on Board (DTS 5.1)
0835.朋友一场 Just Friends (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0834.赌命鸳鸯 The Getaway (DTS 5.1)
0833.致命魔术 The Prestige (DTS 5.1)
0832.婴灵恶泣 The Unborn (DTS 5.1)
0831.东京奏鸣曲 Tokyo Sonata (DTS 5.1)
0830.大河恋 A River Runs Through It (DTS 5.1)
0829.罗兰德之夜 Nights in Rodanthe (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0828.阿帕鲁萨镇 Appaloosa (Dolby Digital 5.1)
0827.异教徒 The Wicker Man
0826.为了全人类 For All Mankind
0825.女人们 The Women
0824.不速之客 The Visitor
0823.征服猩球 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
0822.逃离猩球 Escape from the Planet of the Apes
0821.失陷猩球 Beneath the Planet of the Apes
0820.决战猩球 Planet of The Apes
0819.永不回头 No Way Back (DTS 5.1)
0818.改变世界的六度 Six Degress Could Change the World
0817.神机箭 Shin ge jeon
0816.自然界大事件 Nature's Great Events (2碟装)
0815.冰上奇迹 Miracle
0814.伊莎贝拉 Isabella
0813.挑战者 Highlander
0812.防火墙 Firewall
0811.撕裂的末日 Equilibrium
0810.切·格瓦拉:游击队 Che: Part Two
0809.切·格瓦拉:阿根廷 Che: Part One
0808.一线声机 Cellular
0807.成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane
0806.亚历山大大帝 Alexander
0805.倩女幽魂II:人间道 A Chinese Ghost Story Part II
0804.倩女幽魂 A Chinese Ghost Story
0803.睡美人 Sleeping Beauty
0802.越狱第一季 Prison Break Season 1(6碟装)
0801.倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You
0800.兄弟连 Band of Brothers (DTS-HD) (6碟装)
