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GOOD NEWS! 可能要减税了

2006-4-19 09:01| 发布者: 酷的 | 查看: 1108| 原文链接

总算有重量级人物提出减税了。 好
Tuesday April 18, 08:43 AM
Cut top income tax rate: Warburton

The federal government must cut the top income tax rate to discourage tax avoidance and reduce the complexity of tax law, Board of Taxation chairman Dick Warburton says.

Writing in the Australian Financial Review, Mr Warburton says the government should close the gap between the top income tax rate and the company rate.

Many wealthy Australians try to conceal their personal income as company income to take advantage of lower corporate tax rates.

Mr Warburton, who recently co-authored a review of Australia's tax system for Treasurer Peter Costello, said distortions in Australia's tax system were becoming critical.

"Much of this has arisen because of the arbitrage between the top marginal income tax rate and the corporate tax rate," he wrote.

"Laws written to try to close loopholes have required more laws to be written.

"Closing that gap ... not only makes Australia more competitive but reduces the very unproductive industry that strives to turn personal income into company income."

[ Last edited by horseanddragon on 2006-4-19 at 07:24 PM ]
