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维州最佳:Mac.Robertson Girls' High School

2010-1-29 09:14| 发布者: canyon | 查看: 2595| 原文链接

根据联邦政府的 My School 网站的排名,Mac.Robertson Girls' High School是维州最佳学校,reading, spelling, writing, grammar 和 punctuation多项排名第一,而numeracy也排名高居第二位。

MAC.Robertson Girls' High School has emerged as Victoria's top secondary school for reading, spelling, writing, grammar and punctuation, according to the Federal Government's My School website.

The selective high school with 913 girls and 77 teachers was also No. 2 on numeracy, in a ranking list dominated by girls' schools.

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Although the Federal Government insisted it was not producing a "league table" for schools, it gave every school in the country a number measuring the performance of its students in national testing.

The Herald Sun on Friday publishes an alphabetical list of Victorian schools showing their "score".

The secondary school figures relate to the testing of year 9 students last year and the primary school score measures year 5 results.

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The My School website also provides information for years 3 and 7 as well as a range of other statistics including attendance rates, teacher and student numbers, year 12 retention and a measure of school disadvantage.

Melbourne High School was the state's No. 1 for numeracy and ranked highly on other measures.

Among other top performing secondary schools were Lauriston Girls' School and Presbyterian Ladies' College.

The website compares for the first time government, private and Catholic schools and reveals that some government schools have outperformed high-fee private schools.

Two of Victoria's strongest performing primary schools were the small rural schools of Mount Blowhard, near Ballarat, and Osbornes Flat, southeast of Wodonga.

Other primary schools with the strongest performance by their year 5 students included Fitzroy Community School, Birregurra primary, Strathcona Baptist Girls' Grammar, Lauriston Girls', Fintona Girls' and Macedon primary.

The website allows parents to compare statistically similar schools as well as all schools.

Geelong Grammar, for example, was shown to be performing below the average of similar schools in year 5 writing, spelling and numeracy.

Another school, Spotswood Primary, ranks above average across most measures for year 3, but its year 5 students were substantially below average.

Teacher unions said the information was misleading and open to misrepresentation, but Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said this was the sort of information parents could raise with principals.

"The greatest danger in our school system is that there is underperformance in some schools, and no one ever knows and no one ever does anything about it," she said.

"Children only get one chance at school, and we owe it to those children to make sure that their days in school are in a quality school offering them a quality education."

Mac.Robertson Girls' High principal Jane Garvey said the school had an emphasis on doing your personal best, improving skills and knowledge, working together and educating the whole person.

"The enjoyment the girls get out of working here and playing here is enormous," she said.
