根据联邦政府颇具争议的My School网站提供的信息,维多利亚最负盛名的一些学校在国家读写测试中的表现与同类学校相比,成绩不佳。
Mount Scopus College(去年的VCE成绩名列前茅),与类似学校相比,7年级和9年级的拼读水平表现低于平均水平。
而私校Geelong Grammar,与类似学校相比,拼写能力也不尽如人意。
Carey Baptist Grammar, Trinity Grammar 和 Canterbury Girls' Secondary College 在一些国家测试中,也处在同类学校排行的中下游。
SOME of Victoria's most prestigious schools are underperforming on national reading and writing tests when compared with similar schools, according to the Federal Government's controversial My School website.
Mount Scopus College, whose students topped the state in the VCE last year, performed below average compared with similar schools on year 7 reading tests and year 9 reading and spelling tests.
Elite private school Geelong Grammar - which charges almost $28,000 to put a student through year 12 - performed ''substantially'' below similar schools in grade 3 spelling at its Toorak campus.
Other high-performing schools such as Carey Baptist Grammar, Trinity Grammar and Canterbury Girls' Secondary College lagged behind similar schools on some national testing measures.
But schools hit back at the results, saying that national testing was still in its infancy and the data would lead to damaging league tables.
Mount Scopus principal Rabbi James Kennard said his school was roughly on a par with similar schools but the data was only a snapshot. ''It inevitably leads to schools being judged … based on one particular aspect and ignores the huge totality of the life and workings of the school,'' he said.
Trinity Grammar deputy headmaster Rohan Brown - whose school performed below average compared with similar schools on grade 3 and grade 5 reading and grade 5 grammar and punctuation - said that there were some surprises but he was supportive of the Federal Government's transparency push.
''Some of our boys are starting a bit behind … but that's why a family will send their kids to a private school at a young age,'' Mr Brown said.
Schools in disadvantaged areas warned that unfair comparisons would give rise to stigmatisation.
Werribee Primary School, which has a high number of students with English as a second language and from low socio-economic backgrounds, underperformed in grade 5 testing on most measures.
Principal Lyn Tout said the only information parents should take from the website was the improvement in raw scores between 2008 and 2009.
Questions have been raised about the specially developed measure used to calculate statistically similar schools, with some wealthy private schools identified as ''statistically similar'' to tiny government schools.
The so-called Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage compares schools across Australia using factors such as the socio-economic background of their students, remoteness and the proportion of indigenous students.
Education Minister Julia Gillard said information on financial resources would be published on the website later this year.
''We're determined that the next version of the website will show you school by school the amount of funding from the Federal Government, from state governments and from private contributions, the fees parents pay and the donations that they pay to a school,'' she said.
Kangaroo Ground Primary School principal Laurie Murray said it was unreasonable that his school was considered similar to Geelong Grammar, because of the disparity in funding and teacher numbers.
Mr Murray had not checked his My School entry because he had been juggling teacher training and returning media calls in his lunch break: ''I bet it's not like that at Geelong Grammar,'' he said.
According to the index, small government school Richmond Primary is one of the most ''advantaged'' in the country, with an index score of 1242, far above Brighton Grammar's score of 1169.
Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals president Brian Burgess said there appeared to be many anomalies where unlikely schools had been ''lumped together''.
Peter Hill, the chief executive at the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, which developed the website, admitted there were cases in which the characteristics of the census districts where students lived did not reflect the student population served by a school.
''We've said, 'Look at it using your information. If you see an example of a school that is obviously wrong, then use other data to show us which school it is most like and we'll use that value,' '' he said.
But Dr Hill said that, in general, the index was doing ''a great job'' at grouping comparable schools. |