今天收到TPG的信,告诉我昨天在非法下载《守法公民 》,以前天天都在下,从来都没有收到信呀,是不是现在管的紧了以后都不能下载最新的电影了?TPG的信我要怎样回复呀? 是不是告诉它我已经删除了下载的电影,就没事了,他们会不会罚款或列入黑名单呀?以下是回复,我该选哪项?请各位帮帮忙,谢谢了! Compliance Statement: 1.Yes. I've complied and removed all copyrighted material for which I'm not the copyright holder from my computer and / or network. 2.Yes. While the copyrighted material does not reside on our network, we have taken appropriate steps within our area of authority to resolve this issue (For use by ISPs & Universities only) 3.No. I've not complied. 4.Mistake. (Please explain below why you feel this is a mistake) |