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2010-1-16 20:17| 发布者: JuJu | 查看: 2736| 原文链接

今天在报纸上看到这个消息, 对于选教会学校的家长们来说, 不失为一个好消息, 特地来分享下:

2005年, 45个教会学校毕业生, 得到NSW STATE 的all-rounder award, 而去年则有80个教会学校毕业生得到all-rounder award(不包括私校).

报纸上的版本, 有张图表, 每年的数目等等, 教会学校毕业生得奖学生的数目和比例年年不断增长, 可惜网上版本没有图表.

Catholic schools boost share of HSC honours

CATHOLIC schools have increased their share of the highest HSC awards, almost doubling the number of their top all-rounders.

A Herald analysis of official government figures for the past five years has found that the number of HSC students in the Catholic diocesan system who achieved more than 90 per cent in each of their subjects has almost doubled.

While the Catholic sector claimed credit for setting exemplary performance targets, public school advocates have told the Herald that the improvement had come from a relatively low base compared with public and independent schools.

The socio-economic status of Catholic schools had also improved over the years, as had their share of Commonwealth funding relative to schools in other sectors.

Dan White, the executive director of Catholic schools in the Sydney archdiocese, attributed the long-term improvement in results to investment in the professional development of teachers and measurable literacy and numeracy targets that helped to identify areas of need.

''Our focus has been on continual improvement of teacher quality," Dr White said. "Our highest priority has been to put in place targeted intervention strategies where a clear need has been identified. Put simply, we have tried to respond quickly where the need is greatest.''

In 2005, 45 students from Catholic secondary schools, not including the higher-fee independent schools, achieved the State Government's all-rounder award, figures from the Board of Studies NSW show; last year 80 achieved the award.

As a proportion of the increasing number of students from all school sectors in the list, the percentage from Catholic systemic schools rose from 4.9 per cent in 2005 to 6.6 per cent last year.

Catholic and independent schools account for about a quarter of all HSC students.

A Herald analysis found 38 Catholic schools in the list of top all-rounders last year, compared with 33 in 2008 and 30 in 2007.

Last year, 122 students on the list came from 59 comprehensive public high schools. The year before, 149 students came from 65 comprehensive high schools.

As a proportion of all students in all school sectors, the percentage on the list from comprehensive public schools fell from 12.5 per cent in 2008 to 10 per cent last year.

Dr White said Catholic schools in the Sydney archdiocese achieved results above the state mean in 67 per cent of courses last year, up from 61 per cent the year before.

A quarter of the archdiocesan schools achieved results above the state mean in more than 90 per cent of courses last year.

The president of the Secondary Principals Council, Jim McAlpine, said the top all-rounders list was a limited measure that did not capture all students who achieved a ranking of 99 or above since it did not take into account students who specialised in the sciences or the humanities - and so did not score above 90 per cent in every subject.

''There is a greater opportunity for Catholic schools to select students from higher SES [socio-economic status] profiles now,'' Mr McAlpine said.

''Students in low SES schools and communities require a greater level of funding in order to lift their academic performance, and that can only happen if the Federal Government bites the bullet to create a fairer funding regime for all students.''

A spokeswoman for the Board of Studies said the all-rounders list represented ''a very small percentage of the overall candidature [less than 2 per cent] and is just one measure of success''.
