上周申请TPG的ADSL2+,结果这周问了一下进程,结果TPG给我回复说我的电话号码是Pair Gains系统的,不匹配ADSL2+,然后说他们可以要求Telstra把我的Pair Gains去掉,但又说去掉后只能装ADSL(注意:不是ADSL2+),我看了一下价格,这差别可大了,Adsl又贵又慢,ADSL2+又快又便宜,我都不知道怎么搞才好。不知跟Telstra申请换一个电话号码行不行?大家有遇到过这种情况的吗?说说你们的想法。 Dear Customer, Thank you for your email. We are not yet able to process your application since Telstra has identified that your nominated phone line (029687****) has incompatible infrastructure - "Pair Gains System/RIM" and is incompatible with ADSL2+/ADSL. We can request Telstra to remove this "Pair Gains System/RIM" however this can only be done with your approval. The removal of "Pair Gains System/RIM" will not affect the quality of your telephone services being run on your line. This process usually can be done within one week. If you consent to this removal, we will proceed with the request to Telstra. A pre payment of your set-up fee and monthly access fee/s will be charged to your nominated credit card or bank account. Should the removal of the pair gain not be possible, this fee will be refunded. Please be advised that this process can be done to provide you with ADSL service only. A complete description of these packages is available via our website http://tpg.com.au/products_services/adsl_pricing.php#adsl We apologize for the inconvenience. For more information on TPG Products and Services, please visit our website www.tpg.com.au For any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us via details below. Kind Regards ADSL Sales TPG Internet 65 Waterloo Rd North Ryde, NSW, 2113 T: 1300 360 855 F: 02 9878 3877 E: adsl_sales@tpg.com.au [ 本帖最后由 新生活主张 于 2010-1-16 00:03 编辑 ] |