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徒步– Lady Carrington Drive in Royal National Park (29/Nov Sun)

2009-11-24 17:55| 发布者: Just_Walk | 查看: 705| 原文链接

Lady Carrington Drive Starting from Audley In Royal National Park (22/Nov Sunday)

This walk follows the historic Lady Carrington Drive along the Hacking River. The road has been closed to traffic for some time now and provides a great way for walkers (and mountains bikers) to explore the rich area of Royal National Park. The side of the management trail is dotted with fantastic natural sandstone formations, historic features, picnic area and grand native and introduced trees.

Length:         9.7 km (One way, if had two cars);   
         9.7 km – 18 km (Return, if had one car only)
Climb:           315 m

Meeting Point: The Point A, Lady Carrington Drive Gate (500m South of Audley)  
of Royal National Park (10:30am)

or 9:45am Roof Top Car Park of Hurstville  Station.

If you would like to join this walk on Sunday, please contact Yellow on 0414 367 268.

What do you need to bring?
Drinking water, lunch(eg. sandwich), sunscreen, hat, raincoat ...

WARNING: There are risks of injury or death on outdoor walking/climbing activities.
The walking-tracks are selected without taking the participants’ individual healthy conditions into account. Therefore, the participants should make sure that they are medically and physically fit for such activities.
Either, other fellow participants or the coordinators will not accept any responsibility and/or liability for any loss and/or damage suffered by the participants.

The Purpose of Walks:  Exercise only.
Preferred Number of Participants:   5 - 10 people every Sunday, in order to act more efficiently.

[ 本帖最后由 Just_Walk 于 2009-11-28 21:35 编辑 ]
