请教足迹万能的群友, 安装FTTP需要注意什么? 我的ISP给我发了个邮件,说要升级到FTTP。但又不需要我在家。我朋友家都是得打洞,把nbn box放进客厅的。不在家怎么装呢? We are pleased to inform you that your NBN Fibre Upgrade order has progressed. Activation for your service has now been confirmed: NBN Technology: NBN Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) Your NBN service is due to be activated within 2 working days. You are not required to be home for the installation. 也请安装过的朋友介绍下,室外盒子一般是放在车库外墙吗? 谢了 |