各位大神, 我家现在用的是TPG NBN (HFC), 黑盒子连的是Asus RT-AX82U, 没有问题。 我现在想用一台Asus DSL-AC68u 做为node, 但是RT-AX82U 在加device的时候, 总是搜索不到DSL-AC68. If the router cannot find any AiMesh node nearby or synchronization fails, please follow the steps below and try again. 1. Confirm your AiMesh node is powered on. 2. Confirm your AiMesh node is upgraded to AiMesh-supported firmware. 3. Be sure your AiMesh node is reset to default. 4. Move your AiMesh node within 1-3 meters of the AiMesh router. 5. If connecting to the AiMesh node wirelessly fails, please try using a wired connection. 6. Be sure the WPS function is enabled on your AiMesh router. 我都做了, 还是找不到, 到底是什么原因啊, 有什么解决办法吗? 求大神。 我是IT小白, 唯一觉得问题所在是DSL-AC68U,只有power, 2.5G和5G 指示灯亮, WAN的灯不亮, 是因为这个吗? 但我不知道怎么让WAN灯亮? 3) Plug in the power adapter and press the power button at the back of your router. Check the WAN, 2.4G and 5G LED lights to ensure the hardware connection is ready. |