Brisbane 老公寓,我们的unit 浴室下水道水管漏了,我不太了解是不是称做下水道? 还是称污水管? 就是洗手盆的脏水,和洗澡的脏水,接脏水的水管漏了。 楼下邻居找 plumber 来查看问题,拍了照片给我,plumber 说是连接处在漏 想问大家,body corp 、邻居、我,是谁该负责出钱修理? 漏的地方刚好是我的地板和邻居的假天花板之间,body corp 说它们只负责公共的设施,管道是在我和邻居之间,让我和邻居出钱修,但我认为下水道也是公共设施,於是我另外写信问了 QLD 管理公寓物业 body corp 的单位 BCCM ,他们回了信给我,但我不太了解他们的意思 **新州 NSW 称 body corp 为 strata ** 这是BCCM写的 Utility infrastructure maintenance The information and education unit cannot provide a ruling as to who is responsible to rectify the leaks in the pipes you mention, we have however included information below relating to utility infrastructure maintenance obligations. Utility infrastructure is the pipes, cables, wires, sewers, drains, plant, and equipment which supply a utility service to the lots or the common property in a community titles scheme. The body corporate is usually responsible for utility infrastructure that is part of common property. If the utility infrastructure is not part of common property, the lot owner is generally responsible for maintaining it (section 20 of the Act). All utility infrastructure in a community titles scheme is part of common property except for utility infrastructure that: supplies a utility service to only 1 lot and is within the boundaries of the lot and is not within a boundary structure for the lot. A boundary structure for a lot in a scheme means a floor, wall or ceiling, other than a false ceiling, which serves as the boundary of the lot with another lot or common property. This definition applies to all schemes regardless of the plan of subdivision. It is important for both the body corporate and lot owners to understand the boundaries of lots and know if utility infrastructure is part of common property. An exclusive use by-law cannot make an owner responsible for utility infrastructure (section 177 of the Act). You can read more about lot boundaries and access diagrams on the utility infrastructure maintenance page of our website. 我自己用翻译网页查了一次,但还是不了解,大伙可以跟我说说吗? 谢谢 附上 plumber 的照片 |