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2024-8-29 23:31| 发布者: 山里人2012 | 查看: 4128| 原文链接


Yang Yang Chen, an Australian citizen, who is 34 years old, went to China on 01/06/2024 for a three week holiday. On 20/06/2024, the day before his scheduled flight back home to Sydney, he had a tragic fall. Yang sustained severe skull fractures and has been in a coma ever since. He was first put in ICU, and is now in the neurosurgery ward in Shantou Central Hospital.

As Yang didn't have travel insurance for the trip, the ballooning medical bills are overwhelming and are now the responsibility of the family. Yang's Dad, Cory, went to China to help look after Yang for three weeks, but had to come back to Australia for work. Yang's Mum, Grace, a part-time primary school teacher with the NSW Department of Education, has taken leave from work to be with Yang during this extremely difficult time. Grace has spent most of the days and nights looking after Yang in the hospital for the past 6 weeks. A common care model in many Chinese hospitals is that a family member has to be present with the patient around the clock. With very little sleep at night, and suffering from constant stomach problems for the past month, Grace has become physically and emotionally drained and on the verge of collapse. Her heart aches to see her son in such a condition.

The uncertainty about how and when they can return to Sydney has caused their entire family great emotional stress.

Yang's parents have tried several times to contact the Australian Consulate-General in Guangzhou, and have reached out to the Emergency Consular Assistance to ask for help. They have been told the situation is solely a family responsibility.

They have also been trying different pathways to bring Yang back to Sydney. As Yang is not fit for flight as a stretcher passenger on commercial flights, they have contacted a few medical retrieval services both in Australia and in China. Sadly, they were told that Yang is not even fit for medical repatriation on commercial flights, because of his skull fractures, pulmonary embolism, and still being in a coma. Now the only way left for them to bring Yang back home is by air ambulance. The estimated cost given by CareFlight is around $250,000.

The family desperately and urgently seek your kindness, and your generous help with the cost of transporting Yang back to Sydney. Any financial aid you can provide will be greatly appreciated by the whole family and those closest to them. We kindly ask you also to share this page with your friends, family and community to ensure that we bring Yang home.

Yang Yang Chen,澳大利亚公民,34岁,于2024年6月1日前往中国度假三周。 2024 年 6 月 20 日,即他预定航班返回悉尼的前一天,他不幸从高楼坠落。Yang颅骨多处严重骨折,双腿腿骨骨折,此后一直处于昏迷状态。他先是被送进ICU,现在在汕头市中心医院神经外科病房。

由于Yang没有购买旅行保险,不断膨胀的医疗费用让他的家人不堪重负。Yang的父亲科里(Cory)前往中国帮忙照顾杨三周,但由于工作原因不得不返回澳大利亚。Yang的妈妈Grace是新南威尔士州教育部的一名兼职小学教师,在这段极其困难的时期,她请了假来陪伴Yang。 过去六周以来,Grace日以继夜地在医院照顾Yang. 中国许多医院的常见护理模式是家属必须全天候陪伴患者。由于晚上睡眠不足,加上近一个月来胃病不断,Grace身心俱疲,濒临崩溃。看到儿子变成这样,她的心很痛。



他们还一直在尝试不同的途径将Yang带回悉尼。由于Yang不适合作为担架乘客乘坐商业航班,他们联系了澳大利亚和中国的一些医疗检索服务机构。可悲的是,他们被告知,Yang甚至不适合乘坐商业航班进行医疗遣返,因为他的颅骨骨折、肺栓塞,而且仍处于昏迷状态。现在,他们把Yang接回家的唯一办法就是乘坐急救飞机。急救飞机CareFlight 给出的估计费用约为 250,000 美元。

