从这本杂志摘抄的一段: As daylight yield to dusk The world awash in pinks and blues You are invited to pause The fading light softly whispers Honour your own essence Find beauty in idleness In this moment The notion of the pause Becomes your silent guide A timeless celebration of the present Release from striving Embrace the inherent serenity Within the unfolding twilight The space between being and doing 做生活的微调者:不需要花多少钱或多少时间,你的幸福度也会增加很多,也不需要把希冀寄托在未来的某个完美时刻。当下的一刻即充满美好。各花入各眼,你去怎么观察,怎么去组合各个事物,都会有新的角度/印象。比如把你小小的空间用你喜爱的物件或方式布置。 又比如冬日寒意下的这束花和这本你喜爱的杂志。紧靠着火炉,读着,欣赏着... |