准备装修浴室,和装修队讨论了刷防水的工作安排如下,感觉没有等待防水涂料干透的时间啊,大家觉得合理吗?会不会有问题?谢谢啊 Waterproofing, day 1 first coat waterproofing day 2 second waterproofing day 3 sand cement screeding day 4 sand cement to dry day 5 waterproof above the sand cement screeding Day 6 start the tilling 装修完后,他说会提供 the waterproofing Licence, and the certificate of completion which include the 6 years structure warranty (waterproofing is under the structure warranty) and 2 years non structure warranty. 有没什么遗漏的啊?还有标准的保修期限不是7年吗?请懂行的人说说啊,多谢 |