Thank you for your patience in awaiting our email. Your number might have been blocked from calling China. Many carriers around the world are seeking to limit what may be considered to be "scam" calls - as part of measures implemented to address this, some legitimate calls may inadvertently be blocked. As you can appreciate, this action is outside the jurisdiction of Australian telecommunications providers & authorities. You can call local authorities on +862583526546 or +862583524648 and request that your number is unblocked. You will need to contact the above authorities from a different number eg; Landline, or a mobile that is able to call through to China, otherwise the call from the customer's mobile that's impacted may not go through. You will likely be asked to provide details including your name, the purpose of the call etc 奇怪,我只是打不通中国移动的号码,短信过去也不行。移动能打通我,短信也行。 打联通,中国银行都行。 我联系过国内,中国移动说他们查了没有问题,没有block,我联系了通信管理局,他们说不归他们管。 澳洲移动公司提供的电话+862583526546 or +862583524648两个都用其他电话打过,都不通,语音说对方号码通讯故障,要不大家帮我再试下这两个号码? 还有其他办法吗?不想换澳洲号码啊 |