... nt-buy-another/amp/ A report by McKinsey China has shown significant disillusionment among Chinese electric car owners in 2023, with 22% stating they wouldn’t consider new energy vehicles (NEVs) for their next car, reports Caixin. This figure starkly contrasts with the mere 3% recorded in 2022. The recent findings mark the first decline in new energy vehicle adoption in a decade, signaling a notable shift in consumer sentiment towards electric vehicles. The report shows that the proportion of electric car owners in third- and fourth-tier cities who regret their purchase stands at a striking 54%, compared with only 10% in first- and second-tier cities. The dissatisfaction among owners in smaller cities stems from inconvenient charging infrastructure, highlighting a major challenge faced by electric vehicle adoption in these regions. Adoption of NEVs has expanded rapidly in the past two years, particularly in third- and fourth-tier cities, due to the affordability of electric vehicles and their enhanced intelligent features. However, this growth has outpaced infrastructure development, particularly in the provision of charging points, leading to grievances among electric vehicle owners, the report said. 麦肯锡近日发布2024年中国汽车消费者洞察报告指出,自麦肯锡中国汽车消费者调研启动以来,中国消费者对新能源汽车的接受度首次出现了下滑,即下台车考虑购买新能源汽车的受访者比例,从2022年的68%,下滑至了2023年的62%。尽管燃油车以及插混/增程车主的新能源汽车接受度在持续提升,但源自纯电动车主的不满,还是降低了整体的新能源汽车接受度:调研数据显示,有22%的纯电动汽车车主表示在购买下一台车时将不再考虑新能源汽车;而该比例在2022年的调研中仅为3%。报告显示,三、四线城市电动汽车车主“反悔率”高达54%,明显高于一、二线城市车主的10%,进而导致整体“反悔率”在2023年飙升。而三、四线城市电动汽车车主之所以如此不满,最主要是因为充电不方便。 |