申请Shore academic Scholarship 竟然被要求填写 年收入,投资房,房子买入价,卖出价,你的存款,贷款,税收记录,车值多少钱,最后还要JP签字。 是不是我理解有什么问题?这学校疯了吧,我们不是申请助学金。 更新: 学校回邮件了 ,这学校说改就改,太不靠谱。报名时候完全没说清楚。 Thank you for your email. Our scholarship process has changed this year. All scholarships will be means tested including Academic Scholarships. However, Academic Scholarships will still be offered to those who are financially able to send their boys to Shore, it may just mean the percentage of the scholarship amount may be adjusted to a lower percentage than previous years. Please be advised that all financial information will be destroyed following the process and is kept strictly confidential. Please let me know if I can be of any further help. |