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朱令案,毒妇 孙维 终于 上了澳洲头条了

2024-1-19 05:53| 发布者: nba2007 | 查看: 10736| 原文链接

#朱令 案疑凶孙维(现名孙释颜,Jasmine Sun)上了澳大利亚人报头版头条!!她旁边站着的是她假离婚的谢飞宇。支持大家去看原文。孙在澳经营民宿,有家人朋友。天伦之乐,不亦乐乎。

"一个居住在新南威尔士州小镇的房地产投资者被指控是一个神秘而致命的中毒案的中心,这个案件在中国引起了数百万人的关注,已经持续了三十年。" ... f9d4967d-1705603969

"Jasmine Sun, a property investor in a small NSW town accused of a mysterious and deadly poisoning case that has captivated millions in China for 30 years. Sightings of Sun, also known as Shiyan "Jasmine" Sun in Port Stephens on the central NSW coast, have led to a petition urging Anthony Albanese to support her extradition to China for questioning. Sun and her husband, Feiyu "Ringo" Xie, have amassed a multi-million-dollar property portfolio in the region. However, campaigners assert that Sun is the prime suspect in the 1994 poisoning of her university roommate, Zhu Ling, allegedly due to jealousy. Zhu Ling, who died a month ago, has turned the long-running tragedy into a potential homicide investigation. Sun is accused of changing her name and birthday to escape her past as Sun Wei, a chemistry student believed to have had access to thallium, a highly toxic metal used in the poisoning. Zhu Ling was left paralyzed, almost blind, and with the mental capacity of a six-year-old, requiring 24-hour care for almost 30 years. Campaigners and fellow students are now calling for justice, with growing demands for Sun's extradition to China."

"Jasmine Sun房地产投资者,在新南威尔士州一个小镇上被指控参与了一起神秘而致命的中毒案,该案在中国吸引了数百万人的关注长达30年。Sun,也被称为Shiyan "Jasmine" Sun,出现在新南威尔士州中央海岸的Port Stephens,引发了一份请愿书,敦促Anthony Albanese支持她回到中国接受审讯。Sun和她的丈夫Feiyu "Ringo" Xie在该地区积累了一个千万美元的房地产投资组合。然而,活动人士声称Sun是1994年中毒案中她大学室友Zhu Ling的主要嫌疑人,原因据称是嫉妒。Zhu Ling在一个月前去世,将这个长期的悲剧转变为潜在的谋杀调查。Sun被指控更改姓名和生日以逃避过去作为Sun Wei的身份,后者是一位据信曾接触到中毒所使用的高毒性金属硒的化学学生。Zhu Ling瘫痪,几乎失明,并且在近30年的时间里需要24小时的照顾,引发了对正义的寻求,由中国数百万人进行。活动人士和同学们现在已经确认Shiyan Sun是Sun Wei,即这位被指控的嫌疑人。”

