之前一直买牛排或和牛没太注意过牛肉加水的事, 本人的厨艺实在很有限,做饭也少,厨艺也就仅限于三文鱼、羊排、和牛两面煎一下, 最近因为有朋友要做煮/红烧牛肉,于是带他去coles买了这种牛肉Coles No Added Hormone Beef Brisket Slow Cook,买的时候表面看起来没什么血水, 准备煮前才发现其包装袋上注明添加了水和各种添加剂,,成分还不少,酸度调剂,碳酸钠,盐、糖、植物/增稠胶等。 woolworths 公开标明” Moisture Infused“的牛肉,曾引起过媒体和公众的讨论,华人媒体和文章几乎全将其称为“注水肉” dailymail 5月的文章Woolworths customers feel 'cheated' by little-known detail on popular beef buy “The Woolworths customer recently sparked debate after revealing that the supermarket chain's popular Beef Topside Roast was 'moisture infused'. The label explained that the meat had been 'lightly infused for juiciness and tenderness'.” 'Woolies now proudly displaying that they fill their beef with water,' the man said. 'They're really taking us for idiots at this point.' Some customers accused the supermarket chain of bulking up the meat using salt water in order to inflate its price. yahoo新闻Woolworths responds as debate rages over meat detail: 'Taking us for idiots' "Woolies now proudly displaying that they fill their beef with water. They're really taking us for idiots at this point," a customer posted on Reddit alongside a photo that shows the retailer's topside roasts are "moisture infused". a Woolworths spokesperson explained that moisture is added to some meat products in order enhance their texture and flavour. Woolworths Moisture Infused Topside Roast Beef 600g - 2kg 成分:牛肉 87%,水,酸性调节剂,矿物盐(450,451,500), fibres(psyllium, bamboo), natural flavours, vegetable gum (415) 发现这个问题后去超市仔细看了看牛肉,发现有些没标明成份的看起来也像是有加水的,之后又带朋友去costco买了rump cap做煮牛肉,朋友说不确定是否也加了水/添加剂。 原先我对肉类加水/添加剂的问题从来没有注意过,朋友来澳洲时间不长,英文也不太好,于是我上网把相关的中英文都搜索了一遍,有新闻,有科普,有讨论,读了很多资料,能理解商家有商家的考量和做法,所以这个贴不是要讨论店家的做法是否合适,那也不是我要考虑的问题,我怎么想也不重要,商家也不会听我的,这个贴只是想问问哪里有可能买到不加水/添加剂的牛肉/猪肉。 这个问题对我影响其实不大,因为我吃的最多的其实是海鲜/鱼,其次是羊排、和牛,但朋友几乎不吃海鲜/鱼/羊,甚至也不喜牛排,主要是煮牛肉、其次是猪肉,他对菜的要求也很高,准备在后院自己种了,还考虑养几只鸡。 请教高人: 现在牛排rib eye,和牛wagyu也额外加水/添加剂吗? 哪里的适合煮的牛肉没有额外加水/添加剂? 清真肉铺的牛肉也会添回水/添加剂吗? 不介意不放血的西人肉店,只要有卖不加任何额外成分的“原肉”即可。 朋友对食物要求比较高,对价格和距离都不太敏感,不是天价或距离不超过悉尼city 50km皆可。 或是有什么屠宰的地方可以买到不额外加水/添加剂的牛肉? 分分感谢! |