爸爸给娃讲这道错题,讲了半天,才发现答案和自己选的不一样。。。。 作为博士的他,自尊受到了严重打击。 于是我让他辅导数学去了,找找自信 题目如下: The top forty percent of the Australian economy is responsible for paying nearly two-thirds of the total debt. This indicates that the people who are in the most debt are professionals from the middle class, such as lawyers, bankers, doctors, and other similar occupations. These individuals are the pillars upon which any economy is built. They will simply reduce their discretionary spending if they find themselves in a difficult financial situation in the near future, which will have a negative impact on the economy as a whole. What is the main conclusion of the passage? A. The top forty percent of Australia's population must avoid debt at all costs to safeguard the economy. B. To protect the economy, Australia needs to care for its top 40% of earners. C. Most debts come from professionals, and increased rates can make the economy suffer. D. The Australian population influences its economy, thus, serving as a pillar of its stability and development |