最近在看境外旅游保险,无信用卡所以没有免费的。。 bupa的看着便宜又实惠,想问下有人用过吗? 里面有一个Choose trip cancellation cover, Cover for unexpected trip cancellation, rescheduling or shortening. PDS里面没看到具体的,大概就是 What’s trip cancellation cover? Trip cancellation covers the unrecoverable costs, up to the amount chosen, associated with cancelling, rescheduling or shortening the paid and unused portions of your journey, due to circumstances that were not expected or intended by you and outside your control. 想问问我如果买不可退款不可改签的机票,如果因为生病去不了,这个能赔吗?有什么坑吗? |