不知道这个帖子应该在育儿,还是美食,还是生活常识。。。斑竹看着办吧。 刚看了一个关于烹饪鱼的帖子。想到了安全食用鱼类的问题。我们家给小孩吃鱼,我始终慎之又慎,因为还产品中的汞无论对胎儿,还是儿童的大脑神经发育,都存在巨大影响。 虽然汞能在体内自己代谢,但是这个过程是相当缓慢的,大部分的汞沉淀下来,数年内都代谢不完,所以我们选择鱼类,还是有讲究的。 澳洲海域虽然没有国内那么污染,可澳洲并不是零污染,重金属污染对海产品的影响,是不能忽略的。连政府,医生都在孕期给出合理食用鱼类,食用安全鱼类的建议,所以污染问题肯定存在。平时买鱼,我一般选择认识的品种,就是相对含汞较少的鱼类。高危鱼类,就不接触了。 这是维州政府官网摘录的信息,觉得很有用,粗粗翻了下,原文在此,欢迎大家补充:http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov. ... ges/Mercury_in_fish 妊娠期间,孕妇应该限制鱼肉的摄入。6个月内计划怀孕的孕妇,也应适当在一所使用的鱼类。尽量避免含汞将较高的鱼,例如:(鲨鱼肉, ray, 剑鱼,莽草,梭伦鱼,深海鲈鱼,ling,澳大利亚金枪鱼) 应当引起注意的鱼类还包括(金枪鱼排),一周食用量不要超过一次,一周2x140g以内为宜(对于金枪鱼,越小,所含汞越低)。对于三文鱼的使用,目前没有限制,包括罐头的三文鱼。 Pregnant women should limit the amount of fish they eat Pregnant women or women intending to become pregnant within the next six months should be careful about which fish they eat. They should: Avoid fish with high levels of mercury (shark, ray, swordfish, barramundi, gemfish, orange roughy, ling and southern bluefin tuna). Limit other fish, such as tuna steaks, to one portion per week or two 140g cans of tuna per week (smaller tuna contain less mercury). However, there is no restriction needed on the amount of salmon, including canned salmon, which is eaten. 汞对母体内3-4个月的胎儿影响最大。脑部发育,神经系统发育的影响,将在出生后成长标志性进步中体现图来。例如走路,语言发育迟缓,记忆力,注意力集中时间等有影响。 The foetus appears to be most sensitive to the effects of mercury during the third and fourth months of a pregnancy. The effects on the brain and nervous system may not be noticed until developmental milestones - such as walking and talking - are delayed. Memory, language and attention span may also be affected. 应该记住: 鲨鱼肉,深海鲈鱼,剑鱼和ling,含汞较高。 在空气,水和食物中,都有汞的成分。 但是胎儿对汞非常敏感。尤其妊娠3期和4期的时候。 孕期准妈妈,应该尽量避免食用含汞较高的鱼类 Things to remember Fish that contain high levels of mercury include shark, orange roughy, swordfish and ling. Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is found in air, water and food. The unborn baby is most sensitive to the effects of mercury, particularly during the third and fourth months of gestation. Pregnant women should avoid consumption of fish that contain high levels of mercury. [ 本帖最后由 亲子育儿 于 2009-10-13 11:21 编辑 ] |