我是澳洲PR,孩子是澳洲公民,在给老公申请309签证,下面几个写对了吗,麻烦有申请过的前辈麻烦帮忙指导 page 9 . Migrating members of the family unit Are there any migrating members of the family unit included in this application? Are there any migrating members of the family unit included in this application? No page11. Non-migrating members of the family unit Does the applicant have any members of their family unit not travelling to Australia who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents? No page18 Location of first meeting 我们学校认识的,但是学校名字太长写不下,那可以写学校所在的区吗 page 22 Is an interpreter required if contacted by the department? Is an interpreter required if contacted by the department? Yes 可选项有Chinese nec 和Chinese NFD 中国大陆的Main language 是选CHINESE NEC吗 |