如题,最近正在申请入籍,准备把2个孩子(16岁以下)一起带上,看到recommended中有关custody的材料要求如下: For each child under the age of 18, one of the following must be provided: A court order (or similar) stating you have sole custody of, or responsibility for the child, and the right to determine where the child should live. A letter from each parent or legal guardian not included in the application, that gives permission for the child to be in Australia in your care. This letter should include a copy of the non-travelling parent or guardian's personal particulars (biodata) page of their current passport. 我没有离婚,老公是PR暂不入籍,也需要他写信同意孩子入籍吗?谢谢大家的建议! |