网页上写,25万以内有4.25%利息,但是没有说高于25万是什么利息,能否指点一下? https://www.macquarie.com.au/everyday-banking/campaign/savings-account.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=tsa_savings&gclid=CjwKCAjw8JKbBhBYEiwAs3sxNycPoQvuogjLlrcJF7FEIsOwjdi1z_gjHAHKA9c-yIe2TvyzuUtg7hoCtCwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#rates-and-fees Welcome rate Balance 4.25% p.a. Up to $250,000 Our Welcome rate offer is only available to new customers, on your first savings account, on balances up to $250,000.00. The welcome rate is fixed at the time of account opening for four months. After the expiry of your Welcome rate and on additional savings accounts, our stepped variable rates apply based on your balance. Should our stepped variable rates exceed the Welcome rate offer during the four-month period, interest will be calculated based on our stepped variable rates. |