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(见130和133楼) 我们并不孤单!还有大批各族裔家长在努力!请一起为今年的369和明年的800+奋斗!

2022-8-2 11:01| 发布者: 华丽转身 | 查看: 14467| 原文链接



我们一些家长,及一些本届考生孩子们,认为你们 ‘考完了才改政策是错的,家长们相信你们的这个做法已经给部分考生心理造成了伤害,请你们考虑中止执行’。

跟我想法一样的家长,无论你的孩子是本届、往届、未来一届,就麻烦给教育部发个邮件,不用长篇大论,向我一样两三句话就足够了,为孩子们发个声。他们收到的邮件多了,就会少一些一意孤行,多一些思考,帮助他们做出更周密的win win政策,让孩子们只受益、不受害。





Hi, Mr. Perrottet,

I am a resident in the Epping electoral district.

The government's decision to allocate 20% of selective school places to a special group of people is unfair and unacceptable. There are many reasons why it should not be put in place.

First of all, this policy was delivered so much behind schedule. The government shouldn't make such major changes at the last minute. This will only show that the department of education lacks the ability to plan for events in the future as well as neglecting public opinion. Students who are affected by this government policy change may have spent years of effort to prepare for the test, but as the results are returned and before the hard work pays off, the government decides to put in place a plan that could potentially take this chance away from them. It's the same as trying to buy a concert ticket and right before it's your turn, your ticket is handed to the person after you, just skipping your turn. Would you accept that? The government's policy change is the same thing. Epping residents like me, won't accept that.

Secondly, the decision to reserve 20% of selective school places to certain groups of people is not fair. Getting into a selective school is not because of money, or social class. It's about accumulation of knowledge, focusing and effort. As a father, I hope you understand how unfair this is. And I hope you agree that your children's success is not because of your wealth or influence.

I agree that disadvantaged families need help. When one family needs food, we help them with food, but not by taking it from another family who also needs that. When a child can not afford education, we help her by paying the fee for her, not by telling other children to stop studying. If the government really wants to help, please do the following things: buy ballet shoes for children who like dancing but can't afford it, pay the fees for little basketball talents whose families struggle financially, and provide free coaching for poor students who want to improve their math.

2022 is a hard year for the school ages. The covid, the flood, the war and the inflation, the kids feel everything. And now your government has made it even harder. The department of education has made a big mess in the selective school test. You must take in consideration the thoughts and feelings of the people who are affected by this change. It is not something that the government should just dictate. The minister for education, who is responsible for that, should resign.

