去年通过St. George Directshares 交易软件投资了腾讯股票, 今年3月底收到腾讯分红的京东股票114股,持仓账户显示有 9618:HK:NT 114 stocks 但至今St. George Directshares 交易软件都无法交易卖出分工得到的这114股京东股票 联系了St. George Directshares几次,至今未得到解决。 得到回复先说京东港股一般交易一手是100, We would like to inform you that 9618:HK:NT is currently untradeable because of the normal code due to 100 fixed lot restrictions and corporate action rules. 后又说收到股30天内不让交易, Please be advised that your holdings in 9618:HK have a restriction in place where they cannot be traded for 30 days after receiving them, as they were received via international corporate action. 3月底到5月中旬早过30天了,腾讯分红到账的114股不是100的整数,我看新闻上国内投资者通过沪港通,深港通, 支持碎股交易(不需要100的整数)可以成功卖掉腾讯分红的京东股票。 咱们澳洲的朋友,有谁遇到过类似情况? 如果有通过澳洲交易软件收到腾讯分红的京东股票后,成功卖出的经验,希望分享借鉴一下,谢谢! |