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中学病例暴增, 学校也无可奈何

2022-3-23 10:53| 发布者: bobova | 查看: 5022| 原文链接

不断收到学校有病例的邮件, 似乎校长也有些受不了......孩子老师也缺课一周了....

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

This week there has been an increase in the notification of positive cases at the College which is mirroring the trend we are seeing across the State in general.

We have received details of cases across all Year levels with significant impact at Year 9 in particular. Thank you for those families who are alerting us when they receive a positive test in their household.

We have received another delivery of RA tests this week and will be distributing these to Years 8, 9, 10 ,11 and 12 during the week. We have also received notification of the upcoming delivery of further air filters to be added to our current supply for use during the cooler months in indoor spaces.

Please continue to conduct the regular tests and if students are unwell with any symptoms please keep them at home. We have been notified of some instances where RA tests are providing negative results which are subsequently positive when a PCR test has been conducted.

Although face masks are no longer mandated, they do offer some level of protection for individuals, and are recommended particularly in classrooms where it is difficult to physically distance from others.

Students who are unable to attend school due to isolation requirements can access learning resources from Compass and can seek further support via emailing their teachers.

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.
