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2022-1-6 21:51| 发布者: phzrx | 查看: 1099| 原文链接



联邦当局也不排除在三年内禁止德约科维奇入境的可能性,因为这位塞尔维亚球星的父亲宣称他的儿子被 "澳大利亚囚禁",成为 "自由世界的象征和领袖"。




代表移民部长Alex Hawke的大律师Christopher Tran说,政府并不反对该禁令。Anthony Kelly法官将此案押后到周一上午10点开始审理。




内政部长Karen Andrews周四证实,边境部队目前正在调查这些指控,不排除有更多球员被送回国。


熟悉德约科维奇抵达时的文件的三个消息来源,以匿名方式发言,详细介绍了机密文件,说支持球员豁免的证据是 "最小的",只得到一名医生的支持。他们说,这些证据远不如另一位以同样的疫苗豁免入境的球员和官员的实质性证据。






如果该人的签证被取消,因为他们 "被认为对澳大利亚社会的健康、安全或良好秩序构成风险",则可以实施禁令。


联邦卫生当局两次以书面形式告诉澳大利亚网球协会的老板Craig Tiley,在过去6个月里没有接种疫苗并感染了COVID-19的人将不会被批准到澳大利亚进行免检疫旅行。

"关于你的具体问题,我可以确认,在六个月内感染COVID-19并试图从海外进入澳大利亚的人,如果没有接受两剂治疗商品管理局(TGA)批准的或TGA认可的疫苗......不被视为完全接种,"卫生部长Greg Hunt于11月29日写信给Tiley先生。


德约科维奇的父亲Srdjan Djokovic告诉塞尔维亚报纸Telegraf,他的儿子 "今晚被澳大利亚囚禁,但他从未如此自由"。




据塞尔维亚媒体报道,武契奇先生说,塞尔维亚总理安娜-布尔纳比奇正在恳求澳大利亚当局将这位冠军从 "这个臭名昭著的酒店搬到他所租的房子里,这样他就可以四处走动"。




移民部前副部长Abul Rizvi周四表示,移民当局应该在德约科维奇最初申请签证时询问他的疫苗接种情况,以及他可能寻求的任何豁免。







Marta Pascual Juanola报道


Border Force investigating other Australian Open players after Djokovic ban

Australian Border Force is investigating at least one unvaccinated tennis player and one official who have already been allowed into the country after world No.1 Novak Djokovic was sent to immigration detention and had his visa cancelled.

Federal authorities have also not ruled out banning Djokovic from entering the country for three years, as the Serbian star’s father declared his son was being held in “Australian captivity” and had become the “the symbol and the leader of the free world”.

Djokovic, who is being held at the immigration detention at the Park Hotel in Carlton, on Thursday launched a challenge in the Federal Circuit Court to Border Force’s decision, but he is facing a race against time with the Australian Open beginning on January 17.

The tennis star tried to enter Australia on Wednesday night on the basis that he had contracted COVID-19 in the past six months and therefore had a valid exemption for being unvaccinated, but this was rejected by Border Force.

The court late on Thursday ruled to grant Djokovic an interim injunction that will prevent him being deported until at least Monday while he prepares to challenge the decision to deny his entry to the country.

Barrister Christopher Tran, acting for Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, said the government did not oppose the injunction. Judge Anthony Kelly adjourned the case to be heard from 10am on Monday.

Novak Djokovic is holed up in hotel quarantine as he fights to avoid immediate deportation from Australia.

Tennis Australia claimed on Thursday that other Australian Open participants have been allowed into the country after contracting COVID in the past six months, using the same exemption that Djokovic applied for.

This prompted Border Force to launch investigations into the other player and official. Federal government sources said the two others might also fall foul of the rules, but said every case was different, and they may have other valid medical reasons for not being vaccinated.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews on Thursday confirmed Border Force was now investigating the allegations and didn’t rule out more players being sent back home.

“I’m aware of those allegations, and I can assure you that the Australian Border Force is investigating that now,” Ms Andrews told 2GB. “ABF needs the opportunity to be able to conduct its investigation. But if the evidence is not there, then they will take the appropriate action.”

Three sources familiar with Djokovic’s paperwork on arrival, speaking anonymously to detail confidential documentation, said evidence to support the player’s exemption was “minimal” and was only supported by one doctor. They said it was far less substantive than that of the other player and official who entered the country with the same vaccine exemption.

The other player and the official had more than one doctor supporting their claims of prior COVID infection, while one source said most of Djokovic’s paperwork was on a Tennis Australia letterhead. When border officials asked him and the Victorian government to supply more documentation, none was produced.

“It was totally insufficient and he couldn’t produce anything new. What else were we meant to do in the situation?” one senior Commonwealth source said.

Tennis Australia officials were privately fuming about the federal government’s decision on Thursday. One source said the move appeared to be motivated by politics and a desire to target a high-profile vaccine sceptic to boost the government’s popularity. They said Djokovic’s Instagram post and subsequent media interest sparked the federal government’s motivation to take a hard line.

“I don’t know how the feds will [address the fact that] several tennis players are already in the country with the same exemption granted to Novak,” the source said. ”This looks to us like the feds are responding to the media by letting some players in but not the world No.1.”

The 20-time grand slam winner faces the prospect of being banned from Australia as a result of the visa bungle. Federal law dictates anyone whose visa is cancelled can face a ban on re-entering Australia of up to three years, though Border Force has discretion on when to apply these bans and it is unlikely to be slapped on a person who may have made unintentional errors.

The ban can be imposed if the person’s visa was cancelled because they were “considered to be a risk to the health, safety or good order of the Australian community”.

Sources confirmed that the government had not ruled out imposing the ban on Djokovic, but cautioned this would depend on how the process plays out in court and Djokovic’s next moves.

Federal health authorities told Tennis Australia boss Craig Tiley on two occasions in writing that people who were not vaccinated and had contracted COVID-19 in the past six months would not be granted quarantine-free travel to Australia.

“In relation to your specific questions, I can confirm that people who contracted COVID-19 within six months and seek to enter Australia from overseas, and have not received two doses of a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)-approved or TGA-recognised vaccine ... are not considered fully vaccinated,” Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to Mr Tiley on November 29.

Tennis Australia wrote to players after receiving that advice but did not warn them about the vaccine requirement.

Djokovic’s father Srdjan Djokovic told Serbian newspaper Telegraf that his son is “tonight in Australian captivity, but he has never been more free”.

“From this moment, Novak has become the symbol and the leader of the free world, the world of the poor and disadvantaged nations and peoples,” he said.

“Tonight they can imprison him, tomorrow they can chain him, but the truth is like water and it will always find its way. ”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday night Australian time said at a press conference in Belgrade he had talked to Djokovic a second time.

Mr Vucic said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic was pleading with Australian authorities to move the champion from “this infamous hotel to the house he has rented, so he can move around”, Serbian media reported.

“That’s what Novak has requested from his country and it is our duty to safeguard our citizens,” President Vucic said.

“It’s not fair that a political chase is happening headed by the Prime Minister of Australia. They have allowed in similar players, but not Novak Djokovic. It is clear to everyone what is happening. I am not one to mince words, I am not afraid of speaking the truth. My job is to shield the citizens of Serbia and the truth.“

Djokovic’s visa was approved in November as part of an automated process.

Former deputy secretary of the Department of Immigration, Abul Rizvi, on Thursday said immigration authorities should have asked Djokovic questions about his vaccination status, and any exemptions he might have been seeking, when he initially applied for a visa.

But Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the visa approval process was separate from other requirements for entry at the border such as proving vaccination status.

“People try to run the border all the time, by the way,” Mr Morrison said.

“You know, people come with a visa but may not satisfy other requirements for entry, and people are put on planes and turned back all the time. Anybody who’s watched the Border Patrol shows will understand that.”

By about 8pm a group of about 20 people remained at a park close to the Park Hotel in Carlton, where Djokovic had been taken, to show their support for the tennis great, with some wearing traditional Serbian dress and waving Serbian flags.

The hotel has been used to detain refugees and people seeking asylum. A small group of about a dozen protesters staged a demonstration at the hotel on Thursday afternoon in an attempt to bring attention to the plight of the detainees.

The area of Swanston Street close to the hotel remained closed to traffic in both directions on Thursday evening as supporters waited to catch a glimpse of the tennis star through the hotel windows.

With Marta Pascual Juanola
