我一直用Telechoice这家运营公司,没有问题 直到差不多三个月前,发现不能打国际长途了(其他功能都正常) 和运营公司交涉很久以后,发现很可能不是他们的问题 因为他让我把卡放进其他手机试试 我发现放在任何其他手机里面都可以打 于是我和苹果公司打电话交涉 她们让我reset network settings 可是自那之后,不但国际长途打不了,澳洲本地手机来电也不能显示号码了 show caller ID选项一直在loading 无法选择 昨天在苹果店里,把我的SIM卡放在她们的苹果手机里面,也不能show caller ID 但是放我老公的华为手机里面,就能show caller ID 气人的是,我把卡放回之前旧的苹果手机,就可以打国际长途 现在是运营公司回复是 With regards to your concern, with the fault that we lodged on 14 Oct 2021 it shows that there is nothing with your network for making and receiving phone calls to China as well as in showing your Caller ID in making phone calls in Australia. I believe that when you inserted the sim card to a different handset you were able to make a phone call to China as well as your Caller Id was shown when you are calling in Australia. Please advise Apple that when you inserted the service to a different handset your service works. 苹果公司的回复是 I’ve managed to confirm by discussing your issue with one of our programmers and confirmed the SIM card ’s ability to call international numbers appears to be not yet enabled by Telechoice using the Telstra network as confirmed by the error message you received when dialing the destination number. Typically this message will not happen if the SIM card was already enabled with feature. If a company such as your carrier uses its own infrastructure they should get that activated in less than 24 hours. But in this case, since they are renting under the Telstra Network, this would involve more than 24 hrs to activate the service. 我感觉就是两家公司在踢皮球,第一次感觉到原来全世界都流行踢皮球 如果有哪位朋友懂行,知道到底该如何解决,或者知道到底是哪家的问题,请回复。谢谢!非常感谢! |