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谁是坏人?Strike Force Alioth:60人通过微信传播,非法侵占医护特享疫苗注射

2021-8-19 13:37| 发布者: | 查看: 1020| 原文链接

谁是坏人?Strike Force Alioth:60人通过微信传播,非法侵占医护特享疫苗注射。
Police investigating after 60 people booked priority Covid-19 vaccines
OK this is quite something.

NSW Police have just issued a statement saying the state’s cybercrime squad are investigating after about 60 people booked Covid-19 vaccines “under allocations reserved for health care workers at the weekend”.

Police say that on Saturday officers were notified “after several members of the public attended a hospital at Camperdown the previous day for vaccine bookings purportedly made by essential healthcare workers”.

The Camperdown hospital is, presumably, Royal Prince Alfred.

Here’s the statement:

Further inquiries revealed a link was shared with the attendees which allowed them to be allocated a vaccine despite being ineligible for priority bookings.

The case was referred to detectives from the State Crime Command’s Cybercrime Squad and an investigation was established under Strike Force Alioth.

The bookings were made through an online NSW Health vaccination booking service, with some users required to pay a fee prior to attending the hospital.

Initial inquiries suggest the opportunity to receive a priority vaccination was circulated through the social media application WeChat.” ... ensland-border-army
