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2009-9-2 14:34| 发布者: dickson | 查看: 2869| 原文链接

        London,  UK, 1 September 2009:Canon today unveils the EOS 7D digital SLR camera –   a completely newdesign to meet the specific demands of photographers. Incorporating anew 18MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, developed by Canon, the EOS 7D alsofeatures: Dual “DIGIC 4” processors to offer fast, high-qualityperformance in all light conditions, an ISO range expandable to 12,800and continuous shooting at 8 frames per second – without the need foradditional accessories.   Impressive technologies are matched byexcellent build-quality designed with the photographer in mind – tocreate a whole new photographic experience.   
During extensive development Canon went back to the drawing board,listening to photographers worldwide in order to design the EOS 7D tomeet their specific needs.    Commenting on the creation of the EOS 7D,Mr. Shinbori, Deputy Group Executive of Photo Products Group &Senior General Manager of Camera Development Center, Canon Inc,said “Weconsulted over 5,000 photographers worldwide and asked them what theymost wanted to see from a camera.  Matching this insight withcutting-edge technology, we were able to develop a camera that trulygives photographers the versatile tool they require to experiment withtheir images.”
        Accurate Images –  High performance AF and metering systems
The EOS 7D features a 19-point cross-type AF sensor, enablingphotographers to achieve accurate shots and optimise compositionoptions.  This improved AF system offers a range of manual andautomatic settings including Zone and Spot AF to track and capturesubjects quickly and accurately.  AF settings are highly customisable,allowing for rapid reaction to changes in the scene.  Different AFpoints can be set for vertical or horizontal orientation, sophotographers can automatically switch between landscape and portraitshots without touching a button.
The EOS 7D also incorporates a new metering system.  The Focus ColourLuminance metering system (iFCL) intelligently measures focus, colourand luminance, across 63 zones.  Complementing the 19 AF points, thedual layer sensor is able to gather information from each distinct zoneto obtain a more accurate and consistent exposure.
              Capture images  exactly as you see them
The Canon EOS 7D features an Intelligent Viewfinder that offersphotographers 100 per cent frame coverage.  With 1.0x magnification*- a first for EOS - photographers see a large bright image that helpsto fully immerse them within the shot.  A transmissive LCD incorporatedin the viewfinder allows photographers to choose between variousoverlay features - such as AF points, the spot metering circle andcomposition grid – providing a range of tools that help when framing ashot.  The EOS 7D is also the first EOS to introduce a Dual-AxisElectronic Level – in the viewfinder and on the LCD - that indicatesboth pitch and roll angles.  This feature is particularly useful whenshooting landscapes to ensure a level horizon, or when used inconjunction with a Tilt and Shift lens to level the camera.
The camera features a new 3 inch Clear View II LCD screen with a solidstructure screen, designed to combat glare by removing the air-gapbetween the LCD’s protective cover and the liquid crystal. This newscreen has a viewing angle of 160 degrees and is effective even inbright light.  As with the EOS 5D Mark II, an ambient light sensor onthe side of the screen can set brightness automatically depending onthe environment.  
              Experiment  creatively with light
The Canon EOS 7D is equipped with an Integrated Speedlite Transmitter. For the first time in an EOS, photographers can control externalSpeedlites with no additional accessories - ideal for those looking toexperiment with creative lighting set-ups.  The EOS 7D also features anextensively upgraded, built-in flash including manual control, andwider flash coverage to cover focal lengths as wide as 15mm.
              Customise your  individual camera experience
The EOS 7D has been conceived and designed with the photographer’sneeds in mind.  The look and feel of the camera has been aestheticallyand ergonomically crafted to offer photographers the very bestinteraction.  To this end, the photographer can design their ownexperience – camera operations are customisable, allowing the user toassign frequently used functions and settings to convenient controls.This enables photographers to save time when shooting critical moments,by changing settings quickly.
            Impressive Features, Impressive Images

