有官员说,大规模疫苗接种诊所将开始向40岁及以上的人提供阿斯利康冠状病毒疫苗,因为悉尼的疫情已经 "极大地 "改变了风险。 此举将提高对其他州的压力,使其考虑降低在大规模疫苗接种中心提供阿斯利康的年龄限制。 联邦政府和新南威尔士州政府正在为被封城的悉尼人制定财政支持方案,州长Gladys Berejiklian说细节 "即将出台"。 新南威尔士州在截至周日晚上8点的24小时内记录了112个新的本地感染病例,其中34名感染者在感染的整个过程中都在社区。 Berejiklian女士说,根据目前的病例数,悉尼 "几乎不可能 "按原计划在周五结束其延长的封锁。 悉尼西南部三个地方政府地区的教师和老年护理人员也将被安排在接种队伍的前列。 Berejiklian女士和新南威尔士州首席卫生官Kerry Chant将他们的警告集中在Fairfield、Canterbury-Bankstown和Liverpool议会区。 Berejiklian女士说:"我们需要呼吁,因为那是病毒传播最严重的地方。 Chant博士说,COVID-19的delta毒株是改变40岁以上的人获得AstraZeneca的背后原因。 她说:"目前的风险状况已经发生了巨大的变化。“ "你获得该菌株的个人风险与一个多月前有很大的不同,当时你的社区风险会非常低。" 这些变化意味着40岁以上的人现在可以在悉尼的一个大规模疫苗接种中心获得阿斯利康疫苗。 同时,州政府表示,任何18至39岁的人在获得阿斯利康疫苗接种前仍需要与医生沟通。 联邦卫生部长格雷格-亨特说,新州的变化符合联邦专家免疫建议小组对60岁以下人群的指导。 当被问及其他司法管辖区是否也应该这样做时,他说 "每个州都会根据自己的情况做出判断"。 亨特先生说:"这是对新南威尔士州疫情的一个特别回应。" 亨特先生还宣布了一项针对悉尼医务工作者的支持计划,更多的个人防护设备即将供应。 他还强调了对悉尼人的额外经济和心理健康支持。 由于病例数量继续上升,新南威尔士州首府的学校预计将在下周一之后继续进行远程学习。 Berejiklian女士说,向Liverpool, Canterbury-Bankstown 和Fairfield地方政府地区的教师开放疫苗接种是为了缓解教师在封城后的生活压力。 "我们的首要任务始终是一旦走出封城,生活是什么样子的,并尽可能快地结束封城,"她说。 新南威尔士州教师联合会主席Angelo Gavrielatos说,这是值得欢迎的第一步,这应该是该州所有教育工作者的优先事项。 Berejiklian女士说,封城何时结束,现在由悉尼人决定,他们在社区的整个传染期的人数需要降到零。 她说:"我已经说得很清楚了,鉴于目前的数字情况,我们不太可能,事实上,几乎不可能在周五摆脱封城。“ "封城的时间长短将取决于我们能否团结起来,并遵循全州的健康建议。" 同时,州政府正在审查中央海岸和卧龙岗地区的封锁情况,那里的居民被纳入大悉尼地区的封锁范围。 https://www.afr.com/policy/healt ... age-20210712-p588xl Mass vaccination clinics will start to give the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine to anyone aged 40 and older because Sydney’s outbreak has “dramatically” changed the risks, officials said. The move will raise pressure on other states to consider lowering the age limit for the availability of AstraZeneca at mass vaccination hubs. The federal and NSW governments are working on a financial support package for locked down Sydneysiders and Premier Gladys Berejiklian said details were “imminent”. NSW recorded 112 new locally acquired cases in the 24 hours to 8pm on Sunday, with 34 of the infected people out in the community for the entire time they were infectious. Ms Berejiklian said it would be “almost impossible” for Sydney to end its extended lockdown on Friday, as originally planned based on current case numbers Teachers and aged care workers in three local government areas in south-western Sydney will also be put at the front of the vaccination queue. Ms Berejiklian and NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant focussed their warnings on the Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Liverpool council zones. “We need to call that out because that is where the virus is spreading the most,” Ms Berejiklian said. Dr Chant said the delta strain of COVID-19 was behind the change to access to AstraZeneca for over-40s. “The current risk situation has changed dramatically,” she said. “Your individual risk of acquiring the strain is very much different than it would have been a month or so ago when your community risk would have been very low.“ The changes mean anyone over 40 can now access the AstraZeneca vaccine at one of Sydney’s mass vaccination hubs. Meanwhile, the state government says anyone between 18 to 39 would still need to talk to a doctor before getting access to the AstraZeneca inoculation. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the changes in NSW fit with the Commonwealth’s expert immunisation advice panel’s guidelines for under-60s. Asked if other jurisdictions should be doing the same he said “each state will make their own judgements on their circumstances”. “This is a particular response to the outbreak in NSW,” Mr Hunt said. Mr Hunt also announced a support package for Sydney medical workers with more supplies of personal protective equipment on the way. He also flagged additional economic and mental health support for Sydneysiders. Schools across the NSW capital are expected to continue remote learning beyond next Monday as the case numbers continue to rise. Ms Berejiklian said opening up vaccinations to teachers in the Liverpool, Canterbury-Bankstown and Fairfield local government areas was about easing the stress for teachers in life after lockdown. “Our priority is always about what life looks like once we get out of the lockdown and getting out of the lockdown as quickly as we can,” she said. NSW Teachers Federation president Angelo Gavrielatos said it was a welcome first step to what should be a prioritisation of all of the state’s educators. Ms Berejiklian said when the lockdown ended was now up to Sydneysiders with the number of people in the community for their entire infectious period needing to get down to zero. “What I have said very clearly is given where the numbers are it is not likely, in fact, almost impossible for us to get out of lockdown on Friday,” she said. “The length of the lockdown will depend on our ability to come together and to follow the health advice across the state.“ Meanwhile, the state government is reviewing the lockdowns for the Central Coast and Wollongong areas with residents there included in the greater Sydney lockdown. |