这是我的加拿大同事在回答他的中国学生问题写下的。他在亚洲国家生活了数年,经历了很多cultural shock.可能正如我们去西方要经历cultural shock 一样。 他眼中的中国人和加拿大人的差别: 1. Attitude toward wealth/prosperity China: poverty a 'recent memory' for many strongly oriented toward accumulation of wealth disiplined savers Canada: poverty a 'distant memory' for many only slightly oriented toward accumulation of wealth, since government provides basic needs to all liberal use of credit; many Candadians are in heavy debt despite wealth 2. Leisure China: Leisure 'optional' after basic needs are taken care of and large savings are accumulated. Canada: Leisure a 'human right' the goal of earning money is to spend it on leisure (travel, sports, vacation, house, etc) 3. Food China: 'live to eat': food is a central disucssion topic and meal times are religiously adhered to standard greeting: have you eaten lately Canada: "eat to live" food is seldom talked about standard greeting:'nice day, eh?" or "cold enough" (meaning: how will the weather affect leisure?" 4. Cultural identity China: cultural identity rooted in China's long history and beautiful written language pround of history + language Canada: cultural identity rooted in georgraphy(short 100 year history); obsessed with what Big Brother thinks of us proud of geography 5. Future China: Strongly oriented to the future: willing to sacrifice now for tomorrow Canada: strongly oriented to the now: unwilling to sacrifice today for tomorrow 6. Class structure China: visible class divisions deference to authority and leadership success achieved by paying respect + giving 'face' to leaders. Canada:few visible class divisions; critical of outward signs of wealth suspicious and critical of authority and leadership success achieved by 'going your own way' against leaders 7. Relationsip(guan xi) China: being 'well-connected' is vital for success merit not as important as relationship it is not what you know, it is who you know Canada: people admire the 'self made man'who succeeds on his own success more related to merit than being 'well-connected' it is not who you know, it is what you know. 另外我推荐一本 Chinese Business Etiquette by Scott D. Seligaman 我的学生在上海的书店买到的。看看西方人眼里的中国人情世故,蛮有意思的。 [ Last edited by horseanddragon on 2005-1-2 at 07:18 PM ] |